Page 46 of Merciless

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That’s what it brings me, just being enveloped by it.

Coupled with riding, it’s a hell of a thing.

It’s one of three things that’s helping to keep my rage checked right now.

The second is knowing that a life hangs in the balance if I let it get the best of me. The life of somebody I can’t lose, no matter what.

And the third?

Well, the third is knowing the more it’s forced to build, the greater the power of the explosion will be when I unleash it.

And I will unleash it.

Nobody forces my hand and gets the luxury of going on breathing.

Matthew Priest has made a fatal mistake.

He’s gotten way too cocky, believing fully in his own press and the rumors he started of him being the ultimate puppet master, some above-it-all omnipotent being.

I’ve been taking it easier lately, having little choice with my ghost status.

No more!

Priest thinks he’s untouchable.

Dead wrong.

He’s gonna find out the hard way just how wrong he is.

How fucking dare he cross me?

I guess with me living my life as a shadow, my rep’s weakening, being diluted by it all. I let the need for that go years back, all the pride associated with playing things that way, because I figured I didn’t need it no more. I ain’t been right in the middle of things for a long time, just on the sidelines. A shadow. I’ve been affecting things in the background, on the downlow. I protect now. I don’t attack, don’t destroy. Those flashes I’ve been having lately had me thinking I needed to pull back even more, take a break, or maybe even a permanent retirement from all of it, leaving behind the down ‘n’ dirty world I’ve been a part of for decades now.

But this threat from Priest has me realizing the opposite’s gotta happen. That old version of me has gotta come roaring forth.

The bringer of pain.

The architect of destruction.

The dealer of death.

After all, it’s where I got my road name from in the first place.

It’s about time I started living up to it again.

The way things went down in that bar with the guy who betrayed Char was the first step on the road to this epiphany. The violence, the spilling of blood, the taste of power back there cut through those flashes that were trying to pull me down and trap me in the undertow.

And now it ain’t just gonna do that, it’s gonna fix this entire situation.
