Page 50 of Merciless

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Spartan scoffs. “So, you’re gonna wage a one-man war against Priest and the Gatekeepers?”

“I’m gonna run right over him. Like I should’ve done with Skinner way back when.”

“What you should’ve done with Skinner was to call on outside help.”

“That ain’t the way I handle my shit.”

“It’s gonna be now.”

“Sounds like a threat,” I seethe, getting right in his face. Big mistake letting a threat loose right now with the way my head is at.

He holds his ground and meets my glare head on, not giving an inch. “It’s a wake-up call.”

“All right!” Cavalno calls, stepping up to us. “Enough. Let’s all keep the past where it belongs. Buried or burned to ash.” He eyes me. “What’s happening here is bigger than any one person. We’re here for your benefit as well as ours, Dealer. The same goes for your son-in-law and Black Thorns.”

“I’m keeping Thorns out of this.”

“That won’t be possible,” Spartan tells me.

“Why not?”

“Because of Hounds of Fury,” Cavalno reveals.

For the first time since they met me on the road, I don’t have a rapid-fire comeback, no words to bite at them.

It takes me a good few moments to respond, the two of them waiting it out like they wanted it to hit deep and strike a chord with me.

“Thought we had more time. What are you saying, the war’s here now?”

Cavalno goes on, informing me, “Hounds of Fury is building arms. They’re trying to do it much faster than any of us predicted. If they succeed, the war you’ve all been fearing will be on your doorsteps in no time. They’ve reached out to Julian King to fulfil the contract.”

“Of King, that huge conglomerate in Luxwood that deals in a bit of everything? Next-level tech, real estate, imports and exports. And a whole lot on the downlow. Trading arms being one of them.”

“Right,” Cavalno confirms. “Priest wants the contract. The fact that Julian was the first in line for it has Priest running scared as it’s brought it home to him just how powerful he has become. Priest is worried that he’ll take his place as puppet master. So, he’s putting out a hit on him, one we believe he’ll force Charlotte to undertake.”

“King is under Cristian’s protection,” Spartan adds, filling in the blanks for me.

“Why?” I ask Cavalno. If anything, I figure they’ll be rivals.

“Me and his father were close. It’s owed. The kid is the last of that legacy. I won’t let it fall, especially not at Priest’s hands.”

“And if Priest takes him out, it will also leave the way open for that asshole to fulfil the Hounds of Fury contract,” I realize aloud.

“They’ll become too heavily-armed and fortified, too powerful, and they’ll direct all of that toward us,” Spartan says. “Iron Kings, Black Thorns, Lone Outlaws. All the legitimate clubs that have turned away from the one-percenter life actually.”

I roll my eyes. “I get it. The Fury wants to wipe out all legitimate clubs.”

Spartan nods. “They see us as blasphemy, believing the one-percenter life is the only acceptable form of a MC.”

“Bet you wish you’d considered that one-percenter route now.”

He narrows his eyes at me. “We gotta pull together. We’re all under threat.”

Cavalno cuts in, telling us, “We keep Julian alive and he’ll be a roadblock to the Fury acquiring the arms and tech they need to run right over all of you. He dies and Priest is front and center, laying waste to us all. He can’t get this contract, especially before you are all prepared.”

“We gotta buy time until we’re ready to go in and deliver a deathblow to the Fury,” Spartan says.

“Aside from the Black Thorns ties, where do I come in?”
