Page 62 of Merciless

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Nineteen Years Ago

“Sure you wanna do this?”

“I never would’ve given the go-ahead if I weren’t, Trigger,” I snap back, getting pissed at the asshole. He needs spoon-feeding every step of the way with tasks that are out of the norm. Right now, that’s a real bitch, considering a ton of things and situations are operating that way.

“Just saying, the kid’s a wildcard and that’s without factoring in who his old man is. What the shit are you seeing in him?”

A whole lot. But my VP don’t need to know that. Not yet. He’s got a vicious jealous streak. He won’t take well to the big picture I got planned for that kid.

Hell, he’s only a kid in years, not in nothing else. Been through way too much, seen way too many horrors, for that to be the case.

“Just enforce that block like I ordered,” I tell Trig. “Make sure Mullet keeps eyes on him. From a distance. Got it?”

“Fine, I’ll see it’s done. Way too early if you ask me. And putting this block, redirecting him and keeping him off his own father’s radar don’t mean the kid himself ain’t gonna turn around and live up to his legacy by joining the Devil’s Mavericks as his old man’s right hand anyway.”

“He won’t.”

“How do you know?”

“Because Ax ain’t his old man.” Kid’s got too much of his mom in him for that.” And I should know. Me and his mom were tight, were for a long-ass time. Once upon a time, she was mine, was supposed to be mine until the end. Until Skinner tore her away and corrupted her. So, now, all that’s left of her are pieces, the shell that remains after he got his claws into her and stripped the rest away. Took me a long time to see it, since I was able to break Kim Barron’s hold on me.

“My baby girl doing all right?” I ask.

“Rox is fine. You know I’d call you right away if that changed. Got eyes on her twenty-four-seven. Ain’t nothing gonna happen to her.”

Nah, nothing will. Ain’t gonna let it. Roxana is the most precious thing to me in the world. Gonna protect her with everything I got, even through this war that’s brewing right now with Skinner and his fucking Devil’s Mavericks MC.

“Good. Put everything in place with Ax ASAP.”

“All right, Prez. I’ll see to it. Watch your back with Kenny, yeah?”

“Fucker’s gonna be dead by sunrise.”

With that, I hang up, flip my phone closed, and stuff it back inside my leather jacket pocket.

I brush my fingers over my piece holstered at my right hip as I approach the dilapidated entrance to the sleazeball bar just a few feet away at the end of the alley.

I haul open the door and step inside.

A couple of patrons look my way as I walk in in. The cold look in my eyes has them turning away in the next beat, and getting the message that I’m as dangerous as I look. Most people don’t want to mess with that.

But there are always exceptions.

Just like Kenny Stevens, my target tonight.

Dumbass really thought he could mess with me and come away from it unscathed, come away from it still breathing?

Nah, never. Especially not with everything that’s coming for me. I can’t afford any loose cannons, any betrayal tipping the scales in Skinner’s favor.

I catch sight of Kenny sitting up at the bar nursing a glass of whiskey.

I slide onto the stool right beside him and lower my voice to a growling whisper so it don’t draw the attention of the two guys sitting a few feet away at the other end of the bar. “Long time, Kenny.”

He starts at the sound of my voice, turning to face me, his eyes wide with shock. “How did you find me, Dealer?”

“Come on,” I scoff. “You think I ain’t had eyes on you since you tried to fuck me over?”

He holds up his hands. “Tried to, remember? I didn’t actually do it.”
