Page 86 of Merciless

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“What’s that?” I ask Neil over the phone distractedly. My focus is on navigating the current situation.

“Asked you why you weren’t answering your phone?”

“Because I’m trying to concentrate, Neil!” I basically scream at him. “Why the hell else do you think?”

He responds calmly, like I didn’t just freak out on him, “I didn’t know what to think, knowing how you get when anybody tries to mess with you.”

I roll my eyes as I keep both my hands on the steering wheel and navigate my way through the city toward the Sundown Motel. “Right, you thought I was purposely ignoring you and not taking any more of my dad’s calls either, all so that I could go off and do something insane.”

“I weren’t sure. It’s been a while since you’ve been in this kind of situation.”

I blow out a breath in a bid to calm down again.

Hearing his voice blaring through my hands-free set up in my Beamer calls to the sensitive, loving part of me, and it’s aggravating me something fierce, because I can’t be having that right now in the middle of this dicey situation I’m caught up in.

“Well, I’m headed to the site of the first time you and me shared our first messed-up situation.”

“I remember. Broker and the Mavs came at us.”

“It led to a shootout that drew the attention of the cops. We jumped through a window.”

“Then you spread your legs for me when we got to safety at your old place.”

That has me chuckling. “I think you’re re-writing history a little there. You were the one who came onto me. You wanted me so badly.”

“Fucking right I did. I still do. Always will.”

“Me too, baby.”

His tone changes then when he realizes he’s managed to calm me a little. He moves to his all-business, club president persona, as he says, “Keep doing what you’re doing, Rox. You’re only ten minutes out from that motel now.”

He’s clearly watching the movement of my tracker non-stop.

“I would’ve been way closer if I hadn’t been forced to take such a circuitous route to lose the tails on me.” I think for a moment. “And how are you so calm right now?”

“Because it’s all gonna work out.”

Like I’d buy that, especially not from him, of all people. “Really, Neil? Your wife is being tailed by the infamous Gatekeepers. You’re miles away. I’m headed to a location where there’s a sniper lying in wait and I’ve been told to hunker down in my car and hope I don’t get caught in the crossfire. All of that and you’re just cool with it? You?”

“I ain’t cool with it, but I am calm, yeah.”

“You’re being calm for me, aren’t you? So it keeps me calm?”

“That and I’m sending you my best guy. Any second now actually.”

“What? Best guy? Are you talking about—”

“Look to your left. Should be coming in hot.”

I was so caught up talking to Neil that I didn’t even hear the sound of a motorcycle turning onto the backroad I’m hurtling down. I swing my head to the left to see Runner now riding beside me, keeping pace with my car. He blows me a kiss and I wave back.

“Is he there?”

“He’s here,” I confirm.
