Page 6 of The Savage Heir

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Islapped my hand on the flimsy door beside Jewel’s head. The clap shook the wood in its frame, the sound reverberating in her dorm room, catching a few strands of her long, dark hair between my fingers. That wasn’t the only thing that’d be shaking by the time I was done with her. It was late. Real late, but her roommate was nowhere to be found. Good. I could already feel my control slipping. Fortunately, she was neither mafie nor a virgin, because the things I wanted to do to this woman would be considered illegal in some countries. It was time to warn her before the point of no return.

“I don’t fuck gentle, and I have no intention of starting now. I’m going to fuck you till you’re screaming my name like it’s God’s.”

The light streaming in through her window from the streetlamp outside bathed her in a dusky glow. The hazel irises of her eyes stood out like a riot of meadow wildflowers, interspersed with flecks of gold. The humidity from the hot city night seeping in through the window exhaled a sultry breath. The noise of cars driving along Broadway intermingled with the rhythm of her erratic breathing. A deep, heavy beat throbbed between us.

Big, gorgeous eyes, framed by dark lashes, glared to me. My heart rate ticked up. I loved provoking her. She was a vision when angry, setting my body on fire. I was nothing if not an adrenaline junkie, and she was my new thrill ride.

“Is that supposed to scare me, Nicu?” she taunted. “Because I’m not one of your little mafie virgins. I know how to fuck.”

My shoulders tensed as I bent over her and a whiff of rose petals drifted up to me, leaving me aching. I clenched my jaws to stop myself from grabbing her hourglass hips and crushing her to me. Barking out a laugh, I warned, “Wait till you meet my demon cock, little girl. You may think you’ve been fucked right, but you haven’t been fucked by the likes of me.”

Stepping closer, she eliminated the couple of inches between us and bared her teeth. “You arrogant prick. Bring it, then. Because from what I’ve seen, the men who brag the most, fuck the worst.”

“What do you know about men?” I scoffed before fisting her hair in my grip. I yanked it back hard, banging her head against the door. My mouth smashed down on hers, devouring her red lips like I’d been aching to do from the instant I saw them as she stepped into my club alongside my fiancée. Not that that fact had stopped the roar of lust that surged through me at the sight of her.

She pressed them together tightly, denying me access.

That was a no-go.

She wanted to test me. Fucking go for it. I wasn’t about to back down. Not a motherfucking inch. Gripping her jaw, I pried it open for my invasion. This was why I never wanted a virgin or a staid mafie wife. Because I fucked dirty, and I fucked angry. The moment I spotted her wicked curves in my club, I knew that sexy body could handle anything I threw its way. And when she tossed her head and shot me a look of challenge, I knew she could handle anything I threw her way.

Her nice rack and thick ass may have piqued my interest, but her haughty look is what had sealed her fate.

“Make sure you’re ready for whatever I dish out,” I warned against her lips, “because we may be in a building full of women, but I’m not subbing you out.”

Jewel pulled against my tight clasp on her long tresses.

“Talking is just that. Talk. You need to prove you know what to do with that precious dick of yours,” she taunted just before flicking my lips with her tongue.

Her comment almost made me laugh. Almost. But the time for words was over. She wanted proof? I’d give it to her the only way I knew how. I’d give it to her hard. Time to domesticate this wildcat.

Without wasting another second, I attacked her mouth. Teeth clashed, catching skin. The tang of iron flooded our mouths, but neither of us stopped. She gave as good as she got. Her nails came out, raking down the side of my neck, eliciting a growl from deep within me. Little kitty had come out to play. Who knew what else was buried in that devastating body? She tangled her fingers in the longer strands at my nape and dragged me closer, crushing her mouth to mine. I loved the way her soft curves melded against the hard angles of my body.

My hand raked up her bare thigh, dragging her dress up, up, up, until I roughly cupped her pussy.

Fuck, that’s wet silk.

Mother of God, she was ripe for me. I couldn’t wait till I got my fingers between those sticky, plump lips of hers. Griping the gusset of her panties, I ripped them down and thrust two fingers past the knuckles.

Tight and wet, just the way I liked it.

She jerked in my hold, taking in a sharp breath. Her lips were swollen and bruised from my ministrations. Seeing my mark pleased me, but it wasn’t enough to satisfy the beast raging within. Not by a long shot.

If I were a good, honest man, I would’ve paused. I would’ve slowed down. But the thought held no power over me. Her supple, moist flesh clamped around my digits, and she started riding the heel of my hand. Motherfucker—she was as filthy as I was. A perfect fucking match. Her nails scraped down the buttons of my shirt, ripping at them until the shirt was half torn open. Then she fumbled with my buckle.

Tearing my mouth from hers, I threw a glance over my shoulder.


Batting her hands out of the way, I caught the back of her thighs and lifted her up.

Stalking to her bed, I threw her down.

She bounced a few times before catching herself.

With a scathing look and a growl, she got to her knees. “I’m not a fucking doll,” she snapped.
