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“What’s up Pretty Woman?” Mallory asked as she greeted Cara outside of her classroom.

“Pretty Woman? Very funny, Mal, but not even a Julia Roberts movie could possibly have some of the weirdness I just had.”

“I saw you talking to Dr. Death after class. What was that all about?”

“Apparently Dr. Curry is a huge Cubs fan…”

“Really? I can’t even picture him enjoying anything other than leather-bound books and math problems. So I’m assuming he saw the interview?”


“Does he want an autograph or something?”

“No, it was really odd, though. He told me that I don’t have to worry about his attendance policy if I need a break.”

“You’re joking, right? Didn’t he make a kid miss his own mother’s funeral before?”

“Actually, he just told me that never happened…”


“He said that he’s not a monster and that he knows all about the rumors.”

“Okay, you’re right. This is beyond a Julia movie. I might have to start calling you M. Night Shyamalan because you are blowing my mind…”

Cara’s cell phone began to ring as she and Mallory were about to leave the math building and head back to Viking Hall.

“Hold on, Mal, it’s Stucky. Let me take this before we try to leave.”


“Hey Stuck, what’s up?” Cara asked her boss.

“Cara! I’m glad I got ahold of you. We are absolutely slammed here. I think every person that saw the ESPN interview is ordering from our restaurant today! We can’t keep up!”

“Do you need me to come in early? I’m just heading back from class.”

“That’s actually why I’m calling. I don’t want you to come in, actually. I already covered your shifts.”

“I don’t understand? I really don’t mind and kind of need the money.”

“Don’t worry about the money. Consider it a paid vacation. Don’t worry about us, we will be fine here.”

“Stuck… while I appreciate it, is there a reason you don’t want me to come in?”

“Well, to be honest, Cara, most of the people calling in are specifically requesting that you deliver their food. I’m not going to lie, it’s kind of creeping me out. There’s a lot of nuts out there and I don’t want to put you in that position.”

“Oh… I see…”

Cara felt her stomach sink. She hadn’t even thought about how all of this was going to affect her job at Stucky’s.

“Listen, I want you to take the rest of this week off until things die down a bit. Give me a call on Sunday and we will figure out the next step. I’ll have your paycheck ready to go and even include what you would typically make in tips.”

“I… don’t know what to say, Stuck… I appreciate it. I’m glad that you are getting something good out of all this, at least.”

“Are you kidding me? This is GREAT! We’ve already made more money at breakfast than we typically make the entire day!”
