Page 90 of Forever For You

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I snort. “One, he’s not your husband yet. Two, you’re the one who just said you’re going home to wake Lyric up. And last but not least, the fight wasn’t our fault.”

She crosses her arms over her chest and lifts her eyebrow. “Not your fault? You literally called the guy a piece of scum not worthy of being attached to your shoe before you throat punched him.”

She’s not lying, but, “You’re taking my words out of context.”

She throws her hands up in the air. “I can’t. I just can’t with you.”

I wave as she leaves. “Have fun!”

“You good to walk?” Juniper asks as we set off in the direction of the brewery.

“I am feeling no pain, sis. No pain at all.”

She giggles. “How much wine did you drink?”

“Moon’s working tonight,” I say instead of answering her since I have no idea how much I drank. “I bet she’ll sneak us some food.”

I begin skipping toward the brewery but skipping with a walking cast is not a good idea. I settle for dancing my way down the street instead. I feel wonderful. Rowan is in bed at home waiting for me to return. My cast comes off soon. And I landed a new narration assignment today. Can life get any better?
