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While they’re securing helmets to both of us, I reach my hand out, and he puts his trembling fingers in my grasp. “You’ll feel much better when we get to the bottom,” I say.

“Ha, it will be a miracle if I can feel anything at all by then.”

One of the male crew members steps right behind us on the platform. “Alright, you two. I need you to relax and bend your knees. When you’re ready, you can jump. Your freefall will only last a few seconds and then you’ll be jerked back up. Don’t worry about screaming, everyone does. Even the men. You’ll swing and bounce around until we lower you onto the airbag waiting for you at the bottom. That’s normal. The cameras on your heads are on, so let’s have some fun!”

I keep hold of Owen’s hand and give it a squeeze. “Are you ready?”

“Absolutely not, but if you count, I’ll follow your lead,” he says without looking at me. His gaze seems to be locked on the treetops in front of us.

Owen’s fears and the desire to be strong for him have pushed any of my own worries aside. It’s something I’m rather thankful for. I don’t want to postpone the jump any longer, so I begin counting.

“One…two…three!” I shout and push off the platform.

Owen’s grip stays with mine for a split second until we’re free falling. My stomach is in my chest, blood is rushing to my head, and I’m screaming so loudly I probably won’t have a voice when I’m back on two feet, but the euphoric feeling is worth every formidable second while we head face first toward the ground.

My arms flail, and my screams turn into shouts of joy. Owen on the other hand is flailing his arms so hard that I’m afraid he’s going to break something. When we bounce back up for the first time, his body goes limp and I call his name several times.

There’s no response and I start to get worried that I actually did kill him.

“Owen!” I shout louder than before when I’m able to catch more of my breath.

He finally groans and his eyes roll around. Oh, thank fuck he’s not dead.

The jerking motions from the bungee are minor, and I give Owen a moment to fully find his awareness again.

When he lifts his hands to his face, I ask, “Are you going to survive over there?”

He grunts in reply, but he’s moving more. I take that as a good sign, even if he can’t find his voice yet.

I try to hide the smile on my face that’s partly in thanks to his obvious torture. I might have forgiven him enough to let him jump with me, but seeing him go through a bit of torment isn’t a hardship whatsoever. Even if he hadn’t meant to, Owen put me through hell, and this combined with the apology he already gave is the perfect beginning to us starting over.

A few minutes later, when we’re laying on our backs on the ginormous airbag, I glance over at Owen and he’s finally smiling.

“What has you so happy?” I ask.

“I didn’t die. I was absolutely certain death was imminent.”

“Such a drama queen,” I tease.

His face turns serious. “I missed you, Ella. So damn much.”

Owen’s hand is open and waiting for me to accept it. My first thought is to do so, and I listen. “I missed you, too.”

For the first time in much too long, I’m not afraid, and that’s the best feeling in the world.
