Page 99 of Perfect Love

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The robot dragged her back.

Ronan’s athletic stride brought him easily around the desks and to her side.

Her world was righting. She could explain now, fix everything, apologize, because he wouldn’t be here if he wasn’t open to hearing her out, right?

The robot clone grabbed Ronan’s arm.

“Whoa, man,” Ronan said.

Now, the tacky robot had one hand on her and one on Ronan. That didn’t matter. Ronan was here. What did that mean? All she wanted to do was speak with him. Say all the words, but in private, just her and him. Calista tugged her arm until her skin pinched, and her bone bruised. The robot’s fingers didn’t budge.

Ronan tried the same to no avail. “Are you okay?” he asked Calista, his voice and expression concerned.

Calista nodded, staring up into his face.

“What is this?” Ronan checked out the robot, and his eyes narrowed on the robot’s figure. He turned his head to Artie. “What is this?” He repeated the same question to Artie, but he lost the politeness that was normally in his voice when he spoke with people.

Artie, well out of reach, used his old, wheeled robot arm to roll a ruler up to Ronan’s sneaker. Ronan stepped on the ruler, creating a loud crack.

Olivia held the camera low to get a good shot. “We’ve spoken about this, Artie. No measurements without consent.”

Stilettos clicked on the tile outside. Willow came in, wearing a red sweater minidress and an angry expression.

Calista could have provided a list of names of who she thought she’d see today. At no point would she have guessed Willow.

“Calista.” Willow’s brown eyes were as unfriendly as they’d ever been. “You thought you could ignore my email? I went to school here too, you know. Finding your classroom wasn’t hard.” She took in the scene, paused, and then strode right up to the robot. She looked it up and down. “Are you kidding me?” She turned to Calista. “You Amvehls take and take until you have freaking everything. Don’t you? You even get your own clone?”

Artie made the robot bug her eyes at Willow. They aimed at her boobs, lowered to stare at her legs, and bobbed back up to her chest.

“You get everything.” Willow grabbed at the robot’s hips. The robot immediately released Calista and Ronan and clasped Willow’s hips as if they were sharing a slow dance.

Calista and Ronan took advantage of their freedom and stepped back out of reach. Calista rubbed her sore arm and eyed the creature. “Like I want this. Get your own robot, I don’t care.”

“Maybe. I. Will.” Willow huffed out the words while walking the robot backwards. Artie let her move it, and Willow reached the window. “Make it let go,” she said to Artie in a domineering voice.

Artie used the larger controller and had the robot release Willow immediately.

Willow shoved the robot through the windowsill, and looked back at Calista with a smirk, as if she’d taken away something Calista had wanted. She planted her hands on her hips and faced the room.

Seconds later, a large crash sounded on the pavement outside.

Wincing, Calista met Ronan’s gaze, and they hurried to the window to see. The broken mechanical parts spread across the sidewalk and into the grass, the female anatomy disturbingly realistic.

“Those pieces are obscene,” Olivia said, looking out her own window, “but at least they don’t seem to have hit anyone. That’s important.” She held up her phone camera.

Vivien joined them and shook her head. “We’re going to lose so many points for that.”

Artie wheeled the broken ruler over to Willow. The jagged stick slid against her high heel and the engine revved.

“I said, not without consent,” Olivia snapped. “Have you learned nothing in this class?”

Willow tilted her head and took in the situation quickly. “Consent? For a me-robot?” Her voice grew intrigued.

“You’re like a sexy android.” Artie eyed Willow’s lean body up and down and then again fixating on her breasts.

Willow preened, arched her back, and ran her hands over her pixie cut.

“I could clone you. I mean.” Artie cleared his throat and slipped a quick look at Olivia. “May I clone you?” he asked Willow.
