Page 100 of Perfect Love

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A greedy light entered Willow’s eyes. “Is this commercial? I’d expect a large percentage.”

Artie nodded. “I’d want to record you, using that voice you used when you walked in.”

Willow nodded and moved over to him. “For a price, that could be arranged—a big price.” She sat down cross-legged in front of him. “Everyone would want to buy a robot that looked and sounded like me. We’re going to be so rich.”

Artie nodded. “Very rich.”

Willow tilted her head to Olivia. “Write this agreement up. If he clones me, I want half of all royalties the Willow-bot brings in.”

Before Olivia could respond, Professor Terrance came in, his face flushed. “I was having my afternoon tea, and I received no less than four calls about a ruckus up here. The whole point is to prove you can work together unsupervised. Is that wrong?”

Sort of. Maybe he should have been here and he would have known what was up.

Everyone was quiet, though Willow gave the professor an appraising look which he returned. Then he canted his head and sniffed the air. His gaze switched to stare at Calista. “Did you set a fire?”

“No.” But she’d wanted to.

Olivia tilted her phone toward Artie, but she looked at the professor as she spoke, “I, Olivia Hammond am recording informed consent and a future royalty agreement.” She punched stop. “We were just working.”

“There was a commotion.” Professor Terrence calmed a touch.

Calista’s heart thumped, and she caught Vivien and Olivia’s gazes. Their hanging out had made them understand what they needed to do with that one look—conspire together.

“No ruckus here.” Vivien moved back to her chair and hunched over her laptop. She pulled up the hood on her llama jacket.

“Let me explain.” Olivia gave the professor a well-moderated version of the events where they all cooperated together to support Artie’s creation, draft a participant, draw up an agreement, and record the effort for posterity.

Professor Terrence nodded. “I knew Artie’s project would bring all of you together. Artificial Intelligence is the future.” He frowned and waved his hand to the outdoors. “The situation out there? Explain.”

“Clumsy robot balance,” Calista said. “We’ll sort out the kinks. That’s the reason for beta testing.”

The professor looked around the room. She couldn’t tell how much he really believed them, but she could see how much he simply wanted out of there.

“Brilliant, this group has clearly earned their final credit.” Professor Terrence now sounded pleased, as if he’d spent the weeks teaching them cooperative techniques, and they’d finally gotten it. “I’ll go send in my recommendation now.”

Whew. Her parents would be so proud. Relief and a tension she’d held since the class began let go of her. She walked over and bumped fists with her friends, and she skipped Artie in case he latched onto her again. Artie didn’t notice, his attention was glued to Willow. That left Calista with her heart to deal with. Calista looked at Ronan, feeling a combination of shyness and hope. “You got my text?”

Ronan checked his phone. “No, wait, yes.” He reached out to open the message.

Calista took his wrist like the robot had, but gentler, relishing the feel of him under her fingers. “Wait, I’ll say the words in person.”

Ronan cupped her face, sending warmth and tingles through her. “Me first. I’m sorry. I’m in love with you. I want everyone to know.”

Calista’s heart caught, and then shimmered with ecstatic hope and love, and she beamed at him.

Olivia pointed the microphone toward them.

“Dodo was right?” Willow sounded shocked.

The eyes of the room were on them. None of them needed to be a part of her and Ronan’s moment. Not that she cared if they were public or private, just that they were together. Calista took Ronan’s arm and led him into the hallway. Students strode past. There were posters pinned to a corkboard, the ambiance was not romantic.

Ronan put his arms around her waist in an affectionate hold, and this realm no longer mattered.

“My text lets you out of your contract. I love the Snowers, but I love you more.” Calista pointed to the number twenty-two on her jersey. “Everyone has always known how I feel.” Her heart bounced and danced and did all the things. The happy flood of emotions didn’t stop her own words. “I love you too. Love-love, not just fan love, perfect love.”

“That’s everything I wanted to hear.” Ronan grinned, gently brushed her hair back, and nuzzled her neck, causing quivers to flutter through her whole body and weaken her knees. “What do you want first for our perfect love? Candlelight and roses? Should we hunt for a house to share? Hockey should be in there somewhere, right?”

“What do I want?” Calista grinned, rose to her tiptoes, and cupped his face. She met his loving blue gaze. “Just you.”
