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"Now we go back to the club, thank everyone for the awesome evening, and call it a night."

"You sure?" Ash didn't look convinced, but Dex patted his shoulder, letting him know they'd talk later.

"Yes. I doubt those guys will be back, but if they do, it's best none of us are here."

Zach turned to go, and Dex gave Austen a not-so-subtle nudge as he motioned to Zach. Rolling his eyes, Austen caught Zach's arm. Zach paused, his eyes on Austen.

"Thanks for worrying about me. I'm sorry I called you thick-skulled. You know my mouth works quicker than my brain. Fancy sharing a cab?"

Zach smiled and nodded. He walked with Austen side by side, their immediate differences making Dex chuckle. Zach towered over Austen, a huge bear Therian weighing in at over three hundred pounds, with muscles that had muscles. The strong silent type had nothing on Zach. Then there was Austen. All one hundred and forty-something pounds of jittery, smart-mouthed, sinewy cheetah Therian. And here Dex thought Cael and Ash were mismatched.

Dex followed his friends toward the club entrance but paused as he walked by an open gate. It was a dimly lit fenced-in section where the club housed its trash bins and other junk.

"I'll be right in," Dex said, motioning for them to go ahead without him. They hesitated, sensing something was up, but Dex was grateful when they did as he asked. As soon as they'd disappe

ared inside the club, Dex turned and walked into the shadows. He didn't have any trouble seeing the tall, elegant Therian in the three-piece suit and matching tie.

"You're still here."

Wolf smiled as he stepped out from the shadows. The lighting from the security lamp fastened up on the wall made it look like Wolf had a glowing halo behind his head. Dex snorted. The angel of death himself.

"I wanted to inform you that the message you sent to the Makhai has been delayed rather permanently."


"Mack and his friends will not be telling tales anytime soon."

Chapter 9

"ARE YOU kidding me? We just left those guys." Was he for real? Then again, Dex had to remember who he was talking to.

"They were wounded. Hardly a challenge to catch up with."

"And, what? You just took it upon yourself to get rid of them?"

Wolf shrugged, his hands in his trouser pockets. "They were ruining your party. Though I must say that was a rather foolish move on your part, Dexter. It's far too early in the game to reveal your hand to the Makhai. They suspect there's something special about you, but as of yet, they've not been able to figure out what it is."

Had they even seen Wolf coming? Not one hair was out of place on his neatly styled head. His gray three-piece suit was impeccable, his tie pristine, and his shoes flawless. The man was terrifying.

"Okay, so you have a point, but did you have to kill them?"

Anger flashed through Wolf's steel-blue eyes. "I'm sorry, Dexter, but what is it you think those men were going to do to your precious little brother and his friends? Raise their voices? Give them a slap on the wrist? No. They were going to beat them mercilessly, use them, and then put a bullet in them before dumping them in the trash. Had they managed to discover which one was Sparks's spotted little pet, I imagine his fate would have been far worse."

Dex swallowed hard. Wolf was right, and Dex hated it. "And you're so much better." The moment the words left his mouth, Dex realized the mistake he'd made. He was slammed against the wall, Wolf's gloved hand around his neck, and his face inches from Dex's.

"I like you very much, Dexter, so I will allow that reprehensible comment to slide this once. I may be many things, but don't you ever compare me to those animals again. Do you understand me? Make no mistake. Not even my affection for you will keep me from putting a bullet in that sweet little head of yours."

Holy shit. Wolf was... pissed. Not just annoyed pissed, but truly pissed. All because Dex had compared him to those assholes. Why? Wait.... "Do you... care what I think about you?"

Wolf loosened his grip on Dex's neck and patted his cheek gently with his free hand. "I didn't have to tell you about those men, you know. I could have taken care of them in the club, left the bodies to be found, but that would have put a damper on your evening. It was preferable to have you draw them out."

"You didn't want to put a damper on my evening," Dex said, eyeing Wolf.

Wolf stepped away. "My brother was enjoying himself. He was happy. After everything he's suffered in the last year alone, he deserves a night off."

"So, you did it for Hudson?"

Wolf studied him.
