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"Can I ask you a question?" Few--if anyone--were given the opportunity Dex was being given. Wolf was intrigued by him, felt "affection" for him--whatever that meant in Wolf's world. Dex would have to be an idiot to throw whatever this was between them away for revenge. Wolf had been one of TIN's best operatives. He knew Sparks, and what's more, Sparks owed him. For now, it would be in Dex's best interest to play nice.

"See you soon, Dexter." Wolf turned to go, but Dex spoke up.

"If you've been around for a while, what happened the night Hudson was shot?"

Wolf stilled, his back to Dex. Either he believed Dex wouldn't make a move while his back was turned, or that Dex wouldn't be a match for Wolf if he did. The guy stood there for so long without saying anything, Dex was about to give up on a reply.

"I was out of the country. The man who was supposed to have been keeping an eye on Hudson in my stead believed my brother was safe enough, and decided then would be a good time for a shag." Wolf looked over his shoulder at Dex, his expression hard. "He won't be shagging anyone, or breathing for that matter, anytime soon."


"Your guests are oblivious to what's transpired and continue to enjoy your party. You should join them, and if you wouldn't mind leaving our little rendezvous between us, I would appreciate it."

"I won't lie to Hudson."

Wolf seemed to think about that for a heartbeat. "You're loyal to him, and I respect that. It will hurt him."

"He's all grown-up now. He can handle it."

Wolf smiled. "That he can."

Was that pride he heard in Wolf's voice? Before Wolf could disappear, Dex had to know.

"Why me?" Maybe Dex should listen to Ash on occasion and keep his mouth shut.

Wolf turned and strolled over, then stopped inches away from Dex, their bodies almost touching. It was no easy feat, keeping himself from moving away. Dex may have escaped Wolf's capture once, and even managed to hold his own against the guy--could hold his own now--but he was under no illusion that he could actually take Wolf down on his own. Being this close to Wolf brought home just how much more skilled and lethal he was. Dex was alive because Wolf wanted him to be. Simple as that.

"One day," Dex said, his voice quiet, "I will be better than you." He hated the slight tremor in his voice. The last thing he wanted was to sound intimidated. It didn't make his statement any less true. One day, Dex's training would allow him to surpass Wolf, and that would be the day Dex brought him down.

Wolf smiled. He dropped his gaze to Dex's lips before moving his eyes back up to meet Dex's. "I'll be waiting with bated breath, darling." Wolf lifted his hand, and Dex chastised himself for flinching, knowing he wasn't as over what had happened to him as he pretended to be. "Do I still haunt your dreams?"

Dex clenched his hands into fists, his jaw muscles flexing.

Wolf leaned in, his thumb caressing Dex's cheek and his lips brushing over Dex's temple as he whispered, "Perhaps one of these nights we'll meet in your dreams under more pleasurable circumstances."

"That's never going to happen," Dex said through gritted teeth.

"Hm, we'll see."

"Get away from him."

Wolf turned, his expression softening. "Hello, little brother."

Hudson marched over and pushed himself between Dex and Wolf. "What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?"

Wolf chuckled, amused. "Are you reprimanding me?"

"Yes." Hudson crossed his arms over his chest. "You know full well that Dex is marrying Sloane."

Wolf winked at Dex. "But I'm so much more fun."

Dex cursed under his breath. Why was his life so fucking weird? How had he garnered the attention of an ex-operative turned assassin? And why was he standing in some dank, piss-stained alley while his friend explained fidelity to his supposed-to-be-dead brother? Hudson poked Wolf in the chest, and Dex's jaw dropped. Wolf seemed as startled as Dex.

"Alfie, you keep this up and you deserve whatever Dex and Sloane do to you."

"Did you just poke me?" Wolf asked, his eyes wide.

Hudson looked down at his finger as if just realizing what he'd done. His head shot up. "I did."
