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"In what training scenario were you provided with illegally obtained explosive devices to wear on your person while you chased perps down city streets dressed like a bear to then dive off high structures in an attempt to get yourself blown up! Tell me, Dex, because I would love to know when we had that training." Sloane was red in the face, and Dex felt guilty. He was pretty sure he was the reason behind the additional gray hairs Sloane's pitch-black hair had acquired since they'd met, even if they did make Sloane look even hotter.

"Come on, Sloane. It's been a really, really long night. All I wanted was a few hours without facing down criminals, clandestine societies, or rogue operatives. It was my bachelor party, for crying out loud, and I had to deal with a bunch of trained kidnappers, Wolf, and if that wasn't bad enough, that stupid bear--"

"Kidnappers? Wait, what? Wolf?" Sloane balled his hands into fists at his sides. "Wolf showed up? Bastard just can't stay away. Tell me he showed up because of Hudson."

"Um, no. He seems to have it in his head that he's more fun than you, and--"

"What?" Sloane's voice went up in pitch. "That son of a bitch!"

"I know, right? You know what he's like. So damn smug. The guy has absolutely no grasp on personal space."

"Not helping."


"What happened?"

"He warned me about the kidnappers, then came back to flirt some more."

"He's an asshole, that's what he is," Sloane growled before he started to pace. "Why am I not surprised. Jesus Christ, Dex."

"I'm sorry. It's not like I want these things to happen. They just do."

"To you! They only happen to you!"

Dex opened his mouth to reply, but what could he say? Sloane was right. "Should I not have gone after the drug dealer, or dealt with the guys out to kidnap my brother?"

"You should have done what you needed to do, that's not the issue. The issue is with how little regard you have for your own safety, Dex." With a heavy sigh, Sloane dropped down onto the couch. "Any number of things could have gone wrong. You didn't think about what could happen to you, because all you cared about was catching the perp. I thought you were done running into the fray?"

"Are you talking about the drug dealer or the kidnappers?"

"The drug dealer and that stupid bear suit."

Dex was confused. "Really?"

"Dex, I have faith in you and your abilities. I've been training with you for months. I've seen what you can do when you're up against highly skilled opponents. I don't know anyone, save for TIN, who can do what you do, and, baby, I am so fucking proud of you. But you using your training, knowing what you're getting into, and applying those skills to get the job done, is not the same as taking a stupid risk because in your head it's no big deal and everything will work out fine. In your head, you were up against some street thug, and not some trained assassin. I mean, how hard can it be, right? What could possibly go wrong?"

Dex had no idea he'd upset Sloane this badly. He took a seat next to Sloane and turned to face him, one leg tucked up on the couch against Sloane as he took Sloane's hand in his. "I'm sorry. What I did was stupid, and selfish, and you're absolutely right. I didn't give any thought to what could have happened and where that would leave you. I'm sorry I scared you. I won't do it again. I promise. I'll try harder to change."

"I don't want you to change, Dex." Sloane put his hand on Dex's cheek, his warm smile softening his features. "I love

you just the way you are. I...." He sighed and shook his head.

"What's wrong? It's not just about the grenades."

"In a few months, our lives are going to change forever, and I don't mean us getting married. TIN is not the THIRDS. When we're out there, we're on our own. We have to rely on ourselves, on our own skills, and most importantly, each other to get the job done and stay alive. I need to know that I can trust you to make the right choices."

Before Dex could reply, Sloane held a finger to Dex's lips.

"I know you. I know you'd sacrifice anything for me, for your family, and for what's right. But maybe you could consider other ways that don't involve me losing you, huh? I mean, have you thought about what you want beyond saving the world?"

Dex blinked at him. He gently moved Sloane's hand from his mouth. "You mean, like retirement?"

Sloane leaned back against the couch, pulling Dex with him and tucking him against his side. He kissed the top of Dex's head, his fingers stroking Dex's hair.

"We can't be dodging bullets and explosions forever, Dex. I need to know that there's an end. One that doesn't involve the kind of danger and sacrifice we've been facing for so long, and is yet to come. I want to know we'll get a chance at a quiet, peaceful life where we can enjoy each other, maybe get a dog, and I don't know...." Sloane shrugged. "Maybe even have a family."

Dex closed his eyes, his heart full of love and adoration for Sloane. "Sometimes I get so wrapped up in the job, in trying to save the world, that I lose sight of what's most important to me. There will always be a new threat, a new organization, or lethal force to face, but there's only one you, one us. What good will all my badass training be if I lose myself, or worse, you?" Dex pulled back enough so he could brush his lips over Sloane's and caress his stubbly jaw. Sloane's smile and the light behind his glowing amber eyes seeped into Dex's soul.
