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Cael nodded, a big boyish smile coming onto his face. "Okay. Good night, guys."

As soon as he was in Sloane's arms, it would be an even better night.

Chapter 10

THEY ALL said their goodbyes, told each other to get home safe. They had tomorrow off, and Dex planned to spend it in bed with Sloane, rocking his world, eating tasty food, and watching movies.

When Dex got home, Sloane was in bed, as expected. Dex did his best not to wake him while he had a quick shower. The house was locked down for the night, and as soon as Dex pulled on his faded Journey T-shirt, he took hold of the end of the duvet. Sloane tugged it out of his hand.

"Did you think you were getting away with what happened earlier tonight?" Sloane asked, his voice a sexy, sleepy rumble. He turned on the bedside lamp and sat up, one eyebrow arched at Dex.

"Um... yes?" Dex smiled. Hopeful.

Sloane chuckled. "Not on your life."

"But we had hot--very hot--sexy times," Dex whined. That had to count for something, right?

"We did, and I loved every second of it. That does not, however, absolve you from your actions after the hot sexy times."

Damn. So close.

"You're not going to make me sleep on the couch, are you? I want to sleep with you." Dex was pouting. It was pathetic. But he couldn't help it. He was so tired. All he wanted was Sloane's arms around him. And maybe a donut. Man, he was suddenly in the mood for a maple frosted donut covered in bacon bits.

Sloane peered at him. "You're thinking about food right now, aren't you?"

"Um, no." Dex blinked innocently.

Sloane's expression melted into one of amusement. "I'm not going to send you to the couch. Don't be ridiculous. I want you right here next to me." He flipped back the duvet and patted the mattress beside him. Dex didn't need to be told twice. He scrambled into bed and snuggled close, letting out a long, happy sigh.

"You're the best."

"I know. Tomorrow you're going to tell me everything that happened tonight down to the very last detail."

Dex grunted. "Yes." That was going to be a fun conversation. He'd have to make sure he had lots of unhealthy snacks to ease the pain, especially when he reached the part of the evening that involved Wolf.

"Then you're going to help me clear out the attic."

"But it's our day off," Dex groaned. "What about sexy times and pizza?"

"If we make good progress, there will still be sexy times and pizza. You're the one who wanted to convert the attic into the Bond Batcave."

"Yeah, I know," Dex grumbled. Damn him and his evil genius ideas. What good was being a superspy if you didn't have your own Bond Batcave?

"I asked Cael to help. He and Ash will be by around noon. We can all have lunch."

Dex let out a loud sigh and rolled over dramatically, draping his body over Sloane's. "I have to spend my day off with Ash? Why are you punishing me? It's not like the grenades went off. Can't believe that dork was walking around with grenades in his stupid bear suit the whole time."

Sloane slowly panned his head toward Dex. "I'm sorry, did you say grenades?"

"Um...." Shit.

"What? What grenades?"

Dex leisurely rolled onto his back and slinked toward the edge of the bed. "Grenades? Who said anything about grenades? I said Gatorade. I can't believe the guy had Gatorade in his suit the whole time, and me so thirsty."

Sloane threw the duvet back, and Dex bolted from the room. He ran downstairs and into the living room with Sloane right behind him. Why was Sloane mad? It wasn't like the grenades had gone off. He didn't blow anything up. This time.

Dex ran to one side of the couch while Sloane glared at him from the other. Ooh, his sexy cowboy was not happy. "Nothing happened," Dex offered sweetly. "Babe, I'm trained to handle those kinds of situations." He cringed at the vein bulging on the side of Sloane's neck. Still sexy, though definitely not happy.
