Page 22 of His Unwanted Bride

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Chapter Nine

The house at which they arrived was a mansion nestled between mountains. The whole neighborhood screamed wealth and prestige, something her family had owned a generation ago.

After a winding drive to get to the entrance of the house, Silas parked the car. She closed her eyes and concentrated on her breathing. He would never know how hard it had been to be so close to him.

She startled a bit when he opened the door for her, then forcing herself to move, she climbed out of the car and stepped in next to Silas as they headed toward the short flight of stairs that would take them to the front door.

Her body froze then turned hot the instant he slipped his hand to her lower back when she almost took a misstep.

“Thank you,” she murmured, breathlessly, every part inside her flocked to the place where he touched her then died when he removed his hand when they reached the entrance.

The door was immediately opened and they were welcomed by a stern-looking butler whose face then immediately lit up as he greeted Silas and then her.

She knew the house belonged to Parker, Silas’ oldest brother, and his wife, Everleigh. But that was all she knew.

Nothing short of luxury surrounded her, same as it was with Silas’ home but it came with one definitive difference. There was a woman’s touch in everything. For every one masculine thing, it was softened and complemented by something feminine. Arabelle just loved everything on sight.

She briefly wondered why they were being led up a magnificent staircase to have dinner, but it soon became clear this wasn’t going to be a conventional dinner when they entered a bedroom almost as big as an average size house.

Her eyes widened as she took in the sight before her.

The plush, warm but elegant bedroom had been converted into a kind of medical facility. In a bed lay the most beautiful woman Arabelle had ever seen. Hair almost the same length as hers, but a darker shade of chocolate, draped her shoulders.

She was sitting up, but looked pale and tired. When she offered Arabelle a big smile, she knew instinctively that she would like the woman no matter what.

Arabelle turned her attention to the other two men in the room. The resemblance to Silas was so uncanny they didn’t need to introduce themselves.

She picked out who was Parker and who was Elliot.

The moment she had stalled on entering the room, Silas had slipped away from her and now stood with his brothers.

She felt as if she were being put on trial for something she wasn’t aware she had done. Her gaze flickered from the incredibly tall and devastatingly handsome men to the stunning beauty in bed. She had no idea what was going on and she wasn’t sure if she had passed the test they had set for her either.

“Arabelle,” the woman said. Her voice was soft and weak and somehow still sweet and confident. She held out her hand and Arabelle, still confused, moved toward her.

“Don’t mind the meanies over there. The grump is in their blood,” she said with a conspiring tone and an infectious smile. Arabelle couldn’t help but smile back at her as she took her hand.

“I’m Everleigh. And the guy on the right there is my husband, Parker and that’s Elliot the youngest of the three brothers. Of course, you’ve met Silas already,” she said with a naughty grin on her face.

“I’m so happy to meet you, finally,” she enthused but it seemed to cost her and Arabelle immediately handed her a glass of water from her bedside the instant she knew that was what Everleigh was reaching for.

“I know this is unexpected and not conventional for our first meeting.” Sadness clouded her eyes. “Shoo,” she said to the men, who hadn’t moved and hadn’t said a word to her. “I want to talk to my new sister-in-law privately.”

Arabelle watched the men move out of earshot. A servant who stood by poured them drinks and then came to her. Everleigh insisted she had a glass of champagne even though she herself couldn’t have any.

“I’m sorry this looks so weird. I couldn’t wait to be better before I met Silas’ new wife. I was just too excited to finally have another girl around.

“I’m so happy to meet you too,” Arabelle said and she meant it.

“You’re probably wondering why I’m in bed in a room that looks half like a hospital room and half like a bedroom.” Her voice caught and Arabelle wanted to hug her. “It certainly doesn’t look as if Silas told you what happened to me.”

She didn’t want to say her husband wasn’t close enough with her to tell her about his family or anything for that matter. Instead, she shook her head.

“I was attacked…” she began. “I… have a bakery that I run. I’m a baker and I was shot.”

Arabelle gasped.

“Yes. To you and me that seems so far-fetched. But.. Parker has enemies and they lurk.” She dropped her head then placed her hand over her belly. “I also just found out that I’m pregnant. She’s doing okay here but the doctors are worried anything can go wrong.”
