Page 32 of His Unwanted Bride

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While she visited with her sister-in-law, painted her nails, and braided her hair, Silas and Parker disappeared, giving them some space.

Arabelle grew worried about her. Everleigh looked more tired than usual and she was getting frustrated as well.

“It’s killing him. He needs to know who did this to me and the longer it takes the worse he becomes and I’m worried I’m going to lose the baby. Did you know their father died in Parker’s arms? He did everything in his power to protect his brothers. He built an empire. And I promised Parker nothing would happen to me, and I failed him.”

“Hey. It’s not your fault you were attacked.”

“But Parker feels it was his fault. As if he could control the world around me. He needs to find out who did this to me and our baby or he’ll never be the same again. He is the type of man who needs vengeance and it needs to come at his own hands. I’m losing him, Arabelle. He won’t come back to me until he faces the man who did this. Until he holds that man’s head in his hands. He won’t be the same until that happens.

Arabelle felt tears stinging her eyes at the intense love that Everleigh and Parker shared. She wished she could help her sister-in-law. She wished there was a way she could end Parker’s suffering so he could return to Everleigh.

She was quieter on the way back, her thoughts consumed with Everleigh that she forgot to tell him where to go next. But he’d known. He went with her to drop off her library books. He waited patiently, following her closely as she browsed the classics section.

Next, he stopped off at a grocery store and she was stunned when he claimed a cart and pushed it for her. Had she stepped into a twilight zone or something?

To say that everyone and their aunt stared at her was only because of the ridiculously gorgeous man following so closely behind her. Dressed in his signature dark suit, and his black hair and stunning green eyes, Silas Knight had the means to melt panties.

She hated that she felt jealous of that fact. She wanted him to only melt her panties.

She couldn’t contain her frustration so she made a show of dumping groceries into the cart. When they got to the cashier, he handed the lady who looked at him with stars in her eyes his own card.

“I’d like to pay for this myself. It’s for my friend.”

“I know,” he said but it was too late, the transaction had already gone through.

She let it slide this once, besides she would be going to an ATM and paying him back the money in cash.

At least good old Jeanny had her head screwed on properly and didn’t fall for Silas’s grumpy good looks.

Until she pointedly said out loud. “He seems dangerous. He likes you. Yes, I like him.”

Arabelle’s head whipped in Silas’ direction to see his reaction. He wasn’t even looking at her.

“Trust me, Jeanny. He doesn’t like me at all. Now. I bought you some of those cupcakes you like, don’t forget about them okay. I left them out on the counter, see?”

“You’re too good to me, Arabelle.”

Arabelle hugged her old friend, passed on from her mother, and then left.

Next, meeting her friends for milkshakes in the park and now it was too late to cancel.

She had no idea how she was going to deal with it.

Silas knew exactly where to take her and she saw her friends already seated at their favorite bench. They got their milkshakes from a food truck.

Strangely she wanted to see what Silas would do. Would he join them? She couldn’t imagine her behaving normally if he did that but she was relieved when instead of following her, he leaned into the car and folded his arms over his chest.

To say her milkshakes in the park session with the girls was uneventful would be an understatement.

She fielded questions left right and center which was her fault when she slipped up and spoke about her other bodyguard who they didn’t even know existed.

But it was all good-natured except when it came to questions about the size of his cock. Arabelle had choked on her milkshake and turned blood red. She had always thought she would be the tamest of the lot of them when it came to sex, but her gaze automatically gravitated to the tall, gorgeous man and every part of her grew hot when she thought about the things he had done to her. Bad things. Dirty things and she couldn’t deny they’d all just made her hotter.

Flustered now, she bought a milkshake for Jurgen which she always did anyway but now she bought one for Silas as well. Jurgen liked strawberry milkshakes. And while vanilla would have suited him better, which was ironic because he was anything but vanilla she dared to buy him a bubblegum, and sprinkles favored one. He could do with some crazy color in his life.

Suddenly shy as she reached him, she bowed her head and then handed him the milkshake.

“It’s blue,” he said.
