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Chapter Twenty


The warm rush from the succulent wine flowed into my veins by the time Danny and I saw the flames dancing in the night sky. The suns had set on our return walk to reveal a night sky sprinkled with foreign constellations and three moons. Each illuminated the courtyard in an ethereal glow.

Drums and laughter mixed with sultry notes from string instruments as we passed through the trees. The rising moons had turned the feast into a seductive affair. Leo had been right—most of the women wore less clothing than I did. Both men and women drank and danced to the music.

The two men who had greeted us on shore each held a woman close to them as they ground their bodies together. Some frolicked around like tiny sprites while others seemed to twirl and sway with no real beat. There appeared to be no common form of dance. Other men and women ate and drank in a circle around a large fire on the edge of the courtyard. Everyone seemed so alive.

The smell of the food was too overwhelming to ignore. I walked across the courtyard toward the long table overflowing with spiced meats and tender vegetables. My mouth watered with the thought of tasting every single one of them. The fish I had eaten had been great, but that had been yesterday evening, and everything at the feast smelled magnificent.

Before I reached the table, I felt someone staring at me.

Most of the people of the island glanced my way but went back to their conversations and dancing. I appreciated they didn’t gawk at me like an animal at the zoo, but my back heated with the feeling of someone watching.

I looked around and found Logan standing by the fire. His dark green eyes trailed me across the courtyard. His stare only intensified as his eyes roamed over my body. I could see his chest rise and fall rapidly, even feet away.

The night we kissed against the valley wall flashed in my mind. His hands had been rough as he held me to him. His lips had tasted better than aged whiskey. Only a few steps, and I could wrap around him like I had that night.

My light wouldn’t stop me. These days were mine to live. But I wouldn’t be able to have just one kiss. I’d need to be with him in every way. I bet I could tease that growly sound from him again if I could just touch him, lick him.

I felt too warm, too tight in my clothes.

If I walked into his arms, would he want the same thing?

No! I can’t. I won’t do that to him.

I broke his stare and searched for more of the wine Leo had given me. I couldn’t handle wanting Logan. I made a promise, and I would keep that promise. If that wasn’t enough to make a girl look for some foreign wine, then I didn’t know what was.

I found the pitchers at the familiar table and filled my glass, took a few sips, then filled it to the brim again before examining to the food. Only a few others were around the table, picking at the various plates. There didn’t appear to be any order or rules about who ate and when.

In many cultures, it was very important to note who ate first and last and who served whom. Here, it seemed everyone came and went at random until they were done. No hierarchy or place of higher importance on males or females.

I started to pick at the fruits and continued to sip at my cup. I swirled my glass. It was now half-empty while I picked at another sweet berry. I swayed to the exotic beats of the drums, sampling different bizarre vegetables around the table before a hand crept down the back of my neck.

An enchanting swirl of the light deep within had me turning to peer up at Ales.

His silver eyes glowed like the lightning from the aether. He wore a lighter armor tonight, a dark sapphire hue, and his inky-black hair was held back by a tie instead of a braid.

His hand didn’t leave the nape of my neck when I faced him. My light practically begged for me to go closer when he grinned down at me. His sly gaze landed on my face for a moment.

Did he know Charlie was in control, not the Valkyrie? Was that why he always looked at me like I was his prey, or possibly the next thing on the menu?

I sidestepped out from under his hand, and took a sip of wine. The light drew back as well, understanding it was not time yet.

Thank you.

Ales tilted one side of his mouth in confusion. “Are you enjoying the night?”

I shrugged, reaching for a pitcher, and refilled my glass. “I am now.” I raised my glass to show him, clanking it against his before I took another sip.

Ales frowned, looking into my glass. “You’re drinking the succulent wine?”

I mumbled something in acknowledgement, and swayed to the increasing volume of the music. I probably shouldn’t drink around Ales. It already seemed like he saw straight through me, but it was too late.

More couples had started dancing. Some women danced together; some men danced with other men. Everyone was caught in the pulsing sounds and energy of the night.

Danny sat by the fire talking, more like gesturing, to Lana. I heard Leo’s booming laughter at something Logan yelled at him.

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