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I grabbed one so I could view the details of the stone, hoping that the original people of the island had left markings or writing on the walls. Petroglyphs would help me understand who these people were. The black stone had a deep blue sparkle to it under the light of the flame.

“What is this place?” I muttered, to myself more than Ales.

“It is a series of tunnels. They lead further into the slope. Trenches run through most of the mountain. The paths seem to have been carved by the same civilization who made the temples. This rock is the same material they used.” Ales waved his torch in front of a tunnel that descended further downward into the base of the highland.

“Why do you think they made these passageways?” I touched the black stone that glistened under my flame.

“Protection. A maze of channels leads to the eastern shore. A possible escape route in case of attack and a chamber to remain hidden in the lowest level tunnels.” Ales kept moving at a brisk pace through the cave.

“Have you seen any markings on the walls, any altars, or temples here?”

“No, only giant stones to seal various tunnels,” Ales said as we entered another narrowed tunnel branching off the last.

It made sense. If they built these tunnels for protection, they would have found ways to seal it off in case of an invasion. If this were true, then all of it still wasn’t enough against the Keres.

Maybe they fled somewhere.

I preferred the thought of this civilization finding somewhere else as a home, instead of becoming extinct.

It was a little too easy to get lost in here. One wrong turn, and it would take days before I saw daylight.

I quickened my pace to stay right behind Ales.

Male voices echoed further down the tunnel. As we neared the sounds, the walls opened to another large room that reminded me of a cathedral. Large needles of stone grew down from the ceiling, and even thicker columns grew up from the black stone of the cave, creating separate, ominous pillars.

Danny and Logan sipped water, looking at the stone features, while Cri and Leo sat on the ground.

“How early did you guys start the hike?” I asked.

After Cri’s escapades, there was no way he was awake earlier than me.

“About half an hour ago. Where have you been?” Danny answered.

I sent Ales a glaring look I hoped burnt holes in the back of his head.

“Apparently, we went the long way!” It had been a punishment for what happened last night. He didn’t seem to appreciate the fact I kissed Logan.

The Valkyrie and Ales deserve each other… two jealous souls.

My light flickered a small bit inside my belly. It longed for Ales the way I did when I saw Logan.

Ales flashed a devious grin at Danny. “I thought she’d enjoy the mountainside.”

Logan avoided my gaze. Danny tentatively glanced at me like I had kicked him in the teeth, while Cri and Leo glared at me suspiciously with crossed arms. It was awkward, and I could sense everyone was uneasy. Probably for different reasons. Cri had most likely told Leo something wasn’t right with me. Logan didn’t want to be around me after the rejection. Danny was stuck in the middle, and Ales was, well… too sneaky for my own good.

“I get the judgmental looks, but I wasn’t the one having an orgy on the side of a mountain last night!”

Cri just smiled and shrugged at Danny and Logan, who stared at him with their jaws hanging wide open.

It took the fun out of it if Cri wasn’t embarrassed about being caught in the act.

I rolled my eyes and dropped to the ground. At least Logan and Danny weren’t looking at me anymore.

“Does anyone want to know why we are here, or do we just want to avoid each other all day?” Danny asked.

Ales motioned us over to him with a torch. “We are going to fight instead. When the Raiders sense the Valkyrie, they will not just come with a scouting party like they did on your world. They will come with a legion, and you all need to be ready for a full battle on our shores.”

Time was ticking closer to every day, every second.
