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Ales bent to his knees on the grass and began unlacing the tie of my light pants.

“What—Ales, I thought we were going to dance? Why are you taking my clothes off?”

I was willing to dance in front of him, but not naked!

“But Cri said your people danced naked under the moonlight?”

I’m going to kill Cri… what else did they talk about?

“Don’t listen to everything Cri says. We are from a very different time, and his people might have, but my people don’t normally do that.”

“Oh…” Ales smiled. “It’s difficult not being inside your mind.”

“I said I’d give this a try… so go ahead.”

He moved toward the shimmering aether on top of the spring. I stepped my bare foot onto the light, and the warmth pulsed up my body. Ales followed me onto the water, his chest grazing my back.

Everything shined under the moonlight—the aether, my skin, and then my hair as he unwound my braid one twist at a time. His fingertips scraped my scalp, and then massaged down my neck. The Valkyrie spun the aether higher, fortifying the dance floor over the water.

Ales’ hands started with two fingers swirling over my hips. Then his scarred hands torturously wavered under the hem of my shirt. He splayed his palm below my naval as I rolled my hips to the beat of the drums.

The music began to build and the storm raged inside me. Streaks of pleasure followed his hands, but the intense pain left me breathless while I twisted my body against his.

I felt him caress the back of my mind—the taste on my tongue more powerful than earlier today.

His lips were a breath from my neck. “Please,” he whispered.

“Be both of you. Don’t fight it. It will only work if each half accepts the other,” Ales whispered into my mind.

I wanted to panic but I knew I had to trust the Valkyrie. She loved Ales. A woman who could love so completely couldn’t be malicious. And I trusted Ales, with my life, with my soul. In that moment, I realized it had happened slowly, over the years of connection, then fully, once on Eir. I needed the Valkyrie. She wasn’t just my protection, but my companion.

When Jason died, Her light kept me from total darkness. Her and Ales. They healed me, every night, one caress at a time.

I disintegrated the barriers between us. I opened myself to Her control. I poured my mind completely into the Valkyrie. Charlie was all Hers. It was an act of love. All of my dread, and guilt, and fear washed away in the aether of the Valkyrie.

When She filled me completely, She opened our mind to Ales. It was Ales who took the two halves and melded them together in my mind. The Valkyrie and the mortal, one never ended or began, we blended. It was a different euphoria than the pure aether. It was a joining of two spirits.

A stream of images filled Us—the hot springs, the ocean, his lips on my skin, his hands pressing me into him. As One being, Valkyrie and Charlie, We saw the memories Ales shared through the connection. We magnified the aether using his strength. The shield over the stream dipped and swayed with us, but I wanted more. We wanted more. Pouring more light into the spring, the water became many drops floating upwards, toward the moonlight in a circle around us.

Each drop glistened with aether as it floated, giving the illusion of water raining into the stars.

Ales shared images into Our mind one at a time. I wasn’t sure where his images ended and my reality started. Then his tongue slid across my back like a stream of fire. He licked raindrops from the spring off of my shoulders and down my spine, untying my shirt as he went.

The sensations were more intense than any image he had shown me. It was like fire melting my bones. His tongue swirled up the side of my neck. The pleasure from that simple swipe was so intense, I sighed out loud. The ecstasy and pain melded the remaining halves of me together.

Ales gripped my hips with his hands and pressed me tighter against him as he circled his hips with mine.

The parts of me sealed to the Valkyrie more every second. Charlie and the Valkyrie were both wielding to the aether, and loving Ales.

Ales slid his hands up my arms and laced my fingers behind his neck.

“Don’t stop dancing, elskan mín,” I felt him plead in my mind.

I lifted my hips and rocked them in loop, teasingly, against him. I laughed as streaks of aether mimicked the motion through the trees.

He nipped roughly on the sensitive spot at the hollow of my neck. Then he swirled his tongue, lapping up raindrops on the side of my throat.

The way he kissed my neck reminded me of Logan. I missed the scrape of Logan’s beard that came with his lips.
