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Chapter Four

A Sun and the Night

Oh, hell!

I was still wearing Logan’s thermal shirt. Cursing, I reached for the zipper and slowly began peeling each layer of clothing from my dirt-encrusted body. Once each piece was on the floor, I picked them up and tossed my clothes into the trash and then threw Logan’s shirt into the washer.

He would never be getting that shirt back, but it would be a waste of a perfectly good hiking shirt if it went in the trash.

I would wear it, think of him, and remember how close I’d come to reaching for him.

And thank the gods I didn’t.

Hobbling back to the bathroom, I turned the shower faucet to the hottest setting and stepped under the spray. The steamy water hit my face and chest, flowing down my body in a crimson-stained river without a hint of pain. Looking down at the drain was like watching a horror movie for the second time. I knew it was going to be scary as hell, but I was prepared for the worst parts. I scrubbed my fingers over the dried blood on my arms and then moved down to my leg.

Holding my breath, I made circles with my fingertips around the outer edges of the black, dirty scab. I couldn’t see the bite marks through all of the filth and old blood. As the water pelted my leg, the clots washed down the drain. Stroke by stroke, I shed the excess layers. I couldn’t tear my eyes from the wounds. The water turned clear and fresh pink skin was revealed.

I gasped, holding on to the ledge of my shower.

That’s more impressive than last time, and more terrifying.

Carefully, I stroked my fingertips over each bite wound. The skin was closed, creating three separate and smooth scars on my thigh. I gripped tighter on to the shower ledge. I rubbed my palm forcefully over my leg. Searching the ledge, I grabbed soap and lathered onto the scar, and then watched the water clear the foam.

The marks lightened slightly, becoming a creamy white before my eyes.

It isn’t fair the external wounds erase so easily, but the internal ones still ripped me apart.

Shaking, I reached for my forehead and scrubbed rapidly underneath the showerhead. Once the water’s tinge stopped being pink, I added shampoo to my hair. I lathered every lock of black hair, feeling for tenderness.


I swallowed the bile rising in my throat and slicked conditioner through my long strands, down my back.

I shut off the water and fumbled for the towel on the wall. Patting dry, I inspected my leg again. Three white scars ran smoothly from my hips to my knee. They appeared to be years old, not just hours.

Whatever this is, it’s getting stronger. I’m getting stronger.

I wrapped the towel around me, and made my way in front of the mirror. Swiping the fog from the glass.

The crown of my head, where my part met my forehead, was flawless. Not a single mark, not even a bruise. I bent over the sink, peering closer at the skin. Tilting my head, I picked up small pieces of hair and inspected the scalp underneath. Everything appeared to be normal—no, better than normal.

I took a step back and watched my sun-kissed skin glow under the florescent bathroom lights. Even my wavy hair, usually a mass of tangles, appeared to shine with a glossy finish.

Damn. I should really almost get mauled to death every day.A few years ago, I would’ve begged for this. To have smooth, unblemished skin. I’d never been able to tan without burning into a crispy fry, but now a few moments in the sun and bronze washed over my skin. It wasn’t that I was just healing, my body was enhancing my typically boring features into something… stunning. It was completely wasted on me. I didn’t want to attract more attention to myself, especially from men as irresistible as Logan.

After three more minutes of careful inspection while brushing my teeth, I padded to bed and crumpled onto the mattress. Forgetting to turn out the overhead light or get under the covers, I closed my eyes and let sleep overtake my body.

Waves of vibrant orange with lines of burning red etched into the walls of rock that encased my body. The heat from the rock seeped into my skin. The wind cut through the gorge, and the sunlight disappeared behind a blanket of night.

Darkness swept over the canyon.

I licked my lips, pleading for the sweet taste of nectar.

I needed him again. Now more than ever.

Scraping my fingertips over the smooth burnt crevices, I closed my eyes. Inhaling the hint of saltwater and citrus, I trembled and waited.

I will not be afraid. I will not run.
