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I tugged on the front of his shirt and lifted my chin up to meet his confused stare.

“Stay here for the night,” I whispered.

That’s all you could think of?

I slid my hand up his cheek, over his beard, and came up onto the toes of my boots.

You are the least seductive person on the planet. This is a horrible plan.

I leaned forward and brushed my lips over his questioning frown.

Logan’s shoulders were so rigid, I could’ve chipped stone from them. His long arms were still crossed over his chest, with his hands clenched into tight fists.

Horrible plan.

I regretted it instantly. The second my lips brushed over his, I was too embarrassed to do more than touch his lips and pull back before shamefully staring at the dirt. The twinge of excitement from the light had worn off and there was no whiskey to help now. I took a step back, and then another, not venturing to stare at Logan’s unimpressed scowl.

“What are you doing?” Logan rumbled, not moving an inch.

“Failing,” I mumbled under my breath.

“At what?” Logan asked tightly.

It had been so much easier last night. The whiskey had helped, but it had been more than that. The excitement, the thrill of the little flicker of lightning through my body had made me feel invincible. I could’ve had anything I wanted.


Right now, all I felt was awkward.

“You know what I was trying to do,” I said, staring at the ground.

“I do,” he said. “But I’d love to hear you say it.”

“I tried to kiss you,” I mumbled. “Which I will not do again, in the future. I promise,” I said, cringing, and then holding my hands up in surrender.

A low laugh echoed from Logan’s chest. His bag hit the dirt with a loud thump.

I jumped off the ground and jerked my head up to Logan.

He took two large strides toward me, reached for my chest, and quickly flicked the clips across my ribs undone. Taking the weight of my backpack from my shoulders, he slid my arms out of the straps and then tossed the bag behind him without turning away from me.

I stood, motionless, as my backpack landed on top of his.

I finally get to taste him again, really taste him. No. This is supposed to be a distraction. You are not supposed to enjoy any part of this.

Logan’s hands came around my waist, resting on my low back.

I parted my lips. My eyes flicked to the two bags on the ground, carelessly strewn to the side, like they didn’t contain everything I needed to survive.

“Charlie?” Logan breathed, his head bending down, brushing against my tangled hair.

“Hmm?” I said, unable to peel my eyes off the ground.

You will not enjoy this. You will distract him, and keep him distracted. You have had these dreams because you are his protector. Nothing more. Don’t make it more.

“Try again,” he whispered.

His fingers brushed over my chin, lifting my head up, forcing me to meet his gaze.

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