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Chapter Fourteen

Sand and Sword

The sand ground into my knees as I struggled to stand.

His foot struck my chest, driving me to my back.

He prowled over me. The face of my attacker partially blocked by the overpowering sun. His strong legs planted in the molten sand, and he bent to his knees. He thrust himself on top of me. The weight of his body forced the air from my lungs. He put his knee to my chest and withdrew the sword from his side.

The blade gleamed silver, so bright it blinded me in the sunlight. The hilt of the sword was golden-winged, with a blue sapphire resting between the wings. The symbols etched into the blade vibrated. He rose his arm to strike.

The blinding light burned into my mind when the ancient symbols danced across the blade.

Before he could lower the sword into my chest, I pounced for the weapon. I clenched my abdomen and threw him off.

He fought back on his heels.

I crouched in front of him. My hands grabbed for the hilt of the blade, encircling it with both of my palms. I drew my body closer to the blade, clutching my arms in tightly to control it against his strength. My hands burned, but I gripped my palms tighter onto the hilt.

Half-crouched, I charged my head into his neck, ramming him onto his side while we both struggled for the blade. We thrashed on the sand. I twisted my body, propelling myself onto him so I could straddle his chest.

The maneuver surprised him enough that his grip faltered on the handle.

I flipped the sword in my hand and rocked back on my heels. My legs straddled his hips, and I pinned him underneath my body. My mind was set afire with markings. They danced from the blade into my arms.

My breath stilled as I drew the sword above my head and struck it deep into the sand next to his cheek.

Straining forward onto his bare torso, I laid my hand over the marking branded onto his chest. Burning streaks of lightning engulfed my mind—intoxicating and unbelievably empowering. They surged forth, needing him.

Symbols swirled up my arms like bright white ropes of steel. My hands left the sword in the sand. I didn’t need the sword. I needed him. My hands reached for him.

He smiled and feverishly gripped my hips to keep me snugly against his waist. His hands grazed over my ribs then ripped at the front of my shirt until I bowed my chest to his.

I wiggled my hips down onto him. My light loved the feeling of him beneath me. The power inside me reached out to him, to kiss his perilous lips.

“What the hell did she do?” a muffled male voice shouted.

“I don’t know, but I dosed her with enough to keep her out for the rest of the day,” a softer male voice answered.

The sounds seemed too far away. They melted into the cold air around me. I tried to open my eyes. Through small slits, everything danced like murky shadows. A small dim glow above me overwhelmed my senses. My head pounded as if someone had split it open.

Something firm and dry lay underneath me. It was an upgrade from the cold rocks.

My stomach rolled. My head shrieked with a vengeance. The pain shot through my temples and eye sockets.

Gray Eyes wasn’t gone. The light within me had missed his presence. I thought when I had destroyed the creature, I had also destroyed the connection to him. My gray-eyed warrior hadn’t turned into a creature this time, and I had won the battle. The dream diverged into something unprecedented. I hadn’t died because my light swelled forth. The light craved his touch. More than that, it coveted his touch. If I hadn’t been yanked out of the dream, it would have enveloped him, and done more than kiss him. The warrior’s presence eased the loneliness inside me for only a brief moment.

How odd, my light didn’t fear Gray Eyes at all.

The more I called on my light, the more I could interpret its desires, and the harder it was to separate myself from it.

Shivering chills blanketed my body, and I curled into myself on the rough sheet.

I tried to open my eyes again to see who was talking. It was a voice I hadn’t heard before. The origin of the voice was softer and older than the others who had taken me, but my eyelids felt too heavy.

I tilted my head forward to see my surroundings through murky lenses. The movement caused a sharp ache to penetrate my skull causing the room to dip and sway underneath me.

They’d drugged me. It made my limbs heavy. My thoughts were coming too slow.
