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The other four men on the ground were moaning. Some holding their heads, while others were turning to their sides to vomit.

A man retched and then grabbed for me.

Part of me was splitting into two. Charlie needed to stop and help these men, but the light needed to be free.

The light won.

I kicked off his hands and stumbled toward the end of the hallway. My bare feet slapped the frozen concrete when I forced my legs into a sprint. I ran into the silver door at the end of the hallway. Falling into it at a dead run, I banged it open with my shoulder.

I sent a quick look over my back to check my progress.

The men were still on the ground, but two were starting to get to their knees.

The metal grate of the second-floor landing sliced into my feet as I raced up the staircase to find the highest floor. The pounding of boots against metal pushed me to take two steps at a time, pulling on the railing as I went up.

The staircase ended.

A small white sign in strict black letters read BL 1.

I ripped at the door handle. It didn’t budge.

No, please not now.

I wasn’t going to get another chance out of here. I yanked on the door handle, and I noticed a black keypad next to the door handle.


It required a key to get to this level.

I focused on summoning all of my energy. The light bubbled to the surface and surged toward the door. It was thrilled to be let loose. It burned and sang with such intensity that I squinted my eyes. The door began to crumple in on itself.

Just a little bit more.

The blood pounded in my ears as I panted, staring the door down.

The boots were closer now. The men were steps away. Seconds away from me.

I pushed harder, and the door swung open violently. Bright florescent light flooded into the stairwell—something struck my skull from behind. The black stairwell grate rose up to meet my face.
