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The locks started to grind harshly against the metal doorframe. The door opened slowly as the doctor entered.

He still wore his lab coat, but jeans and a black shirt replaced his fatigues. He carried a paper takeout box and another bottle of water. Smiling, he set both items in front of me on the cot.

I eased myself into a sitting position, using all the strength that was left in my arms.

I was weak… frighteningly frail. The lack of food and water made the drugs worse.

I checked that the water bottle was sealed before I opened it and drank half of it. My eyes went to the doctor as he sat down on the edge of the cot. He was too comfortable in this room. It was disturbing, the way he smiled at me. I wasn’t used to being around people, but I was pretty sure they didn’t normally have this disturbing of a smile.

This man was a different kind of unnerving than Anderson had been. Anderson was an asshole who thought stripping people naked would get them to exchange information. The doctor was something else, sly and manipulative, like a spider, waiting to lure something into its trap. He pretended to be friendly, but it was all a lie. At least Anderson hadn’t put on a charade.

“I thought you could eat while we talk a bit.”

Without taking my eyes off of him, I grabbed the box and opened the lid. If he was in the room, I needed to know what he was doing every moment. Wafts of herbs and chicken filled the room, and my stomach growled in appreciation. This would be the best meal I had eaten in days, since Logan bought one of everything for me.

How could he have been so sweet and then help them do this to me?

There was not a utensil in sight. I raised my eyebrows. I was too much of a security risk to afford even a plastic fork.

That was fine. Nothing would stop this food from getting into my mouth.

The chicken pieces coated with a lemon sauce were placed on a pile of fluffy mashed potatoes. The long green beans dripped with butter.

Tears started welling up in the back of my eyes. Food, real food. Not a protein bar while running through the dirt.

I picked up the chicken piece and inhaled the lemon scent before stuffing it into my mouth. The soreness in my jaw was surprising. Someone had punched me in the jaw after I had been knocked out… my money was on Anderson. He and I had a special relationship going between us.

“Logan says you aren’t a threat. He thinks what happened this morning was an accident.” I swallowed my large bite of food. It turned to ashes in my mouth.

Logan was defending me now. A little too late.

“I believe him. He seems to trust you and wants us to work with you. Do you think that is possible?”

I set the food to the side. I nodded and took another sip of water.

“I’m ready for you to take the blood, if you still want it.”

The drug haze parted gradually the more water I drank. My body was trying to fight the toxins. I tipped the bottle back and chugged the rest.

The doctor drew back, coming to a stand quickly. “I will just bring in my supplies, and a few men to help me. It will take a few minutes to get everything we need.”

He knocked on the door three times, and two guards entered the room. There were still two guards outside the door. Shit, that made four men and the doctor to watch me.

Who did they think I was?

The vials wheeled in were in a vertical rack, all with different-colored tops. The rack was part of a metal cart the second guard pushed. It held gauze, various types of needles, and a few containers looking like small Coke bottles.

I stared at the vials. They were going to take a full pint, by the number of containers on that tray.

The two guards approached and motioned to each other to hold me down.

They were going to restrain me while he took the specimens.

The doctor turned his back to me while he grabbed supplies from the cart.

I wasn’t strong enough yet, but I couldn’t stand the thought of them pinning me to the bed. I took a deep inhale and struck. Bucking my legs quickly, I kicked the first guard. I threw my box of food at the second. The first guard dodged the food, but the second guard took the brunt of my heel.

I flung myself off the cot and knocked the cart over onto the doctor while I ran for the door. My feet tripped over the cart.

The two guards went to tackle me to the ground.

The doctor seemed to have been waiting for this moment. He jabbed a needle into the muscle of my arm.

I couldn’t manage much of a struggle against the weight of both guards.

The doctor injected the full syringe without hesitation.
