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“I understand everything is very confusing right now, but I am here to help you figure this out. I am your friend here. Is there something that started this?” he asked, taking a pen from his jacket pocket.

I shook my head. My stomach lurched.

When they realized that I wasn’t very informative, they’d start testing me. Experimenting on what my light could do. What tests would be their next form of torture?

As if the doctor had read my mind, he said, “I need to take some blood samples. I believe there might be some answers as to what is happening to you if I could understand your bloodwork.”

“Like hell are you getting any part of me.” It was barely a whisper, but I knew he heard me.

“Charlotte, it won’t hurt. I only need a few vials. Then you can get some rest.”

If I didn’t do it willingly, then he’d just take it from me.

“Please, I need more water… and food. If you want blood, then I need help first.” I tried to make myself look as small and innocent as possible. They might not forget what I had done, but I could try to convince them I was helpless now.

The doctor nodded and rose from the cot. “It’s a fair request. Let me see what the cafeteria has.” He turned to leave and walked to the metal door. He knocked three times before I heard the sliding of metal bolts.

Two guards stood outside the threshold. Each held a very large-looking rifle. I squinted through the incoming light to view their entire forms. The men also had a pistol on one hip and a knife on the other.

They were armed to the teeth. What I had done to Logan and the men outside the door had left an impression. They were now well aware of what I could do.

It was dark as midnight, but the stars were all wrong. They moved together, caught in a storm, and I was sinking deeper into the bottomless abyss. It felt good to let go of the pain.

Here, I didn’t feel the throbbing in my head or the aching of my shoulders. All I felt was the cold blue ocean enveloping me. The sea felt comforting this time, so I didn’t fight the darkness. I welcomed it into my soul.

The stars merged together. They blurred and formed streaks—not stars, but lightning. It bled into the darkness. It was stunning.

He prowled closer until he enveloped me from behind. I leaned backwards into his marred chest. I felt his brand against my back, the scar slid over my left shoulder. His arms snaked around me.

This is where I needed to be. It’s what I’d been missing.

His lips lurked above the shell of my ear. I sank my head back onto his shoulder. His words felt strange, sounding so different than the ones in my mind.

“Let me in,elskan mín. Please. Let me in.” He nipped at my skin with his rapacious teeth. “Tell me where you are.”

I couldn’t. I was being ripped away. Something was tearing me out of his arms, into the cold…

My throat was hoarse. I woke up from my own screaming. My head violently thrashed into the cot. I quickly looked around the room. My light was drowning under the depressant they must’ve dosed me with again.

The pain in my head caused auras of color to form around the single dim light above the cot in the damp room. The colors were dim, ghosts of what they were in my dreams.

The concrete walls and floor were damp and cold next to the white bedding. There was no blanket, only a sheet covering the cot. The bedding was moist with underground humidity. The metal from the bed frame protruded into my back and skull, making little sharp blades of agony slice through my head with every move.

The cold made my stiff muscles ache even more. The thin bra over my breasts was hardly a layer of clothing, and my pants barely provided much warmth. I could feel the heat seeping off my torso. My feet had gone numb.

I exhaled out into the ceiling to see if I could see my breath.

No, but that was not much comfort.

I had managed to sleep. Perhaps the doctor had forgotten about my demand for food and water.

My fingers felt the back of my head for the gash. My hair was matted with dried blood the closer I dug to my scalp. I was beginning to heal, faster than a normal person, but slower than what I could do if I had my strength, my light.

I winced and removed my hand.

I attempted to move my neck to the side. It made the purple and blue auras spin ecstatically around the metal light fixture on the ceiling.

Oh, no, I shouldn’t do that anymore.
