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His eyes pulsed with a tiny shimmer of silver. He seemed to be searching for patience. Maybe he would kill me, after all.

I gaped at his turbulent eyes. They were more unnerving in reality than in my dreams.

He whispered, “I am a warrior of a thousand years in search of what has awoken.”

I ached to touch his lips. They were so close. Inches from mine.

“I am the one that you seek.” My tongue slipped over sounds it had never made before. I was speaking something foreign. The words were familiar, but not my language. The words made me feel whole again, like when the light filled me completely. It was not just a response to his question, but a declaration to command something from the warrior.

He nodded his head as he extended his hand. “Time is not with us, Valkyrie. Trust this. Trust me.”


The ancient female warriors, immortal warriors. His words rang true in my soul. My light trusted him, but Charlie—the part of me that had searched every runestone for three years—couldn’t believe he was here.

My free hand reached for his.

Gray Eyes didn’t hesitate, covering my hand with his like a vise.

Finally, both parts of me agreed on one thing—this man held the secrets of what I was, and we weren’t letting that go.

We ran through the threshold and down a narrow hallway that descended further into the ground.

A few feet past the doorway, six men lay unmoving in the rising water.

Their throats had been cut. Deep. Almost to the spine.

Gray Eyes had done this. He had killed them all. Ruthlessly.

“You didn’t have to kill them!”

I darted my gaze away before I screamed. I moved forward, keeping my eyes on the closed doorway ahead, instead of their limp bodies. I pleaded with my legs to keep moving.

“Each death was warranted,” he said, pulling me close behind him.

Not all of those men hurt me. Not all of their deaths were deserved.

Who is this man?

We entered a hallway. It became so tight we crouched as we ran. He was a few paces ahead of me, still tugging with an ironclad grip on my hand.

We’re going the wrong way.

We needed to get to the surface to escape, not further underground. Maybe he was disoriented or lost… or leading me into a trap.

I jerked to a stop, tugging back on his grip. “This is the wrong way. We need to get topside, not further down!”

He shook his head, tensing his hold. He positioned me behind him when a tall figure appeared in the tunnel further down.

When the man came closer, his face came into view. Logan’s eyes flashed to the hand holding mine.

I flipped my knife, preparing to throw it at him if he tried to hurt us.

Whoa. Where did that come from?

I was willing to do anything to protect Gray Eyes. Even hurt Logan.

The silver-eyed man looked between me and Logan.
