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Chapter Seventeen


His rough hands unlaced the tie weaving through of the smooth material of my pants. With each deft pluck of his fingers, the sensitive skin below my naval became exposed.

Ales went to his knees in front of me on the soft grass. He bent his head toward the opening and brushed his lips against the delicate skin.

My breath caught in my throat. I looked down at his ruthlessly efficient fingers. Now my pants hung loose around my hips, gaping down toward the V between my legs.

He grinned up at me and scraped his thumbs over my hipbones. His lips followed his hands. He sipped at the skin of my torso, licking the matching scars on each side of my navel.

I panted, anticipating where his hands and mouth would wander next. My tongue licked over my lips, aching to kiss him. I tried to wiggle free of his grasp, to go to my knees, to meet his mouth with mine, but he tightened his hold, keeping me in place.

I wanted to know if his kiss tasted as good as it felt on my skin.

His lips trailed lower, just a breath further down, so close to the spot that now pulsed with need. His teeth scraped over the skin, and my hips jerked forward, pleading for him.

His hands swept back and cupped my ass, forcing me closer.

His hot breath sent waves of pleasure down my spine. His warm fingers hooked the back of my pants, tugging them down.

I rolled my hips forward, tighter against his mouth, and he nipped against my inner thigh…

My eyes opened while my hips continued thrusting against a forgiving mattress. A small whimper escaped my lips, and the ghost of my dreams started to fade away. Abruptly, I stilled my body, and reality crashed onto me.

The bed of the small cabin was soft and plush, with white sheets and a large comforter. I was wrapped around the sheets with my face nestled into a pillow.

Stiffly, I stretched my arms above my head and extended my legs to test out the sore muscles. There was only a dull ache in the base of my head.

I quickly flipped myself onto my back, searching the cabin.

The room was so small, only the full-sized bed and a dark wooden dresser fit. The space was bereft of any other furniture, or people—thank the Fates for that small mercy. The gift of healing was the one positive of being cursed into this mess.

The dream was embarrassing enough now that the man was actually real. He was not just a figment of my imagination, drawn from a life devoid of all intimacy, pleasure, or touch. Gray Eyes was Ales, and the flesh-and-blood man was somewhere on this boat. The Valkyrie tingled at the thought of being near him again.

No! We are not touching him.

My hands and arms were bare, but still stained with reddish-brown, while my sports bra and pants had become stiff with dried blood. They stuck like plaster to my skin.

Slowly, I rolled myself out of bed and stood up, challenging my legs. A little dizziness, but I remained standing. Black dirt blended with blood on my feet, and I could smell myself. It was a horrible combination of sweat, blood, and wet dog.

There must be a bathroom with a shower on this size of a sailboat. Please, let there be a working shower.

A larger door was shut at the foot of the bed.

I turned to find another narrow door half-cracked open behind me with a small stool beside it. A handwritten note was left under the three bottles of water on top of it.

Sleep. Drink. Come out when you are ready.

I flipped the torn piece of paper over. No signature.

It appeared similar to Logan’s handwriting. Could be Danny’s. Both seemed like the only two people who would think to write a note. The other men seemed more the “figure it out yourself” kind of people.

I chugged two out of the three bottles before opening the bathroom door further onto a small shower, toilet, and vanity.

I shed my clothes and enjoyed a prolonged shower in the best scalding water a girl could ask for.

The dull mirror above the vanity showed I looked as exhausted as I felt, if the dark circles under my hazel eyes told the truth. I sighed and exited the bathroom cautiously. The drugs were out of my system, but I could sleep for a few more days.
