Page 47 of Their Broken Tears

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Jace glances down at the fist holding a handful of Garret’s T-shirt, his limp body stretching the material. His lip curls in disgust as he drops him to the floor and stalks over to where I’m sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Are you all right?” He drops to his knees, bloody knuckles hovering, worrying the surrounding air. The adrenaline is catching up, as his fingers tremble, and panic clearly echoing from his eyes.

“Yes.” A loud exhalation breaches his lips, as his arms wrap around my waist and tighten their grip, pulling my core snug against his abs. Twining my own arms around his neck, my first destination is his neck, where my lungs unclench for the first time with his scent. “Thank you.”

He constricts his grip, tugging again, until my warmth is sliding down his body until softness is met with hardness. His right hand climbs into my thick ebon strands, clutching tight, and ripping back my head until our foreheads are flush. “Jesus, Mare.” The words are thick with fear and relief.

“I was stupid. I’m sorry.” The intensity of our souls reflecting off each other’s is overwhelming; heart pounding, butterflies stampeding, breaths mingling.

“Not your fault. Men should know that when a woman says no, they mean it. He’s welcome for the education.” We both glance at Garret, still bloodied and unconscious on the floor. “I shouldn’t have left you alone.” He’s absentmindedly caressing my back. “Let’s get out of here.”


Getting back to the hotel seems to take an eternity, our tension cracking like thunder in the night, a traitorous storm that’s about to absorb us both into its eye.

Seconds after we walk through the door, Jace swoops in and slams me against the wall. His lips find mine hungerly, devouring my entire being.

He growls, ripping his lips away to drag them down my neck, peeks of tongue wetting the way.


“Hmm…” It’s the best I can do with a mind of mush.

“I need you. I need you so bad. Please tell me you’ll be mine. Please.”

How the hell can I deny it any longer? We belong together, the universe melding our hearts as one. He’s my other half. “Yes.” A single word unburdens the weight of the world from my shoulders. The sensation entirely euphoric, so much so, that I shout, “Yes. Please. Make me yours.”

“Oh, thank fuck.” His lips attack mine again, closing off any air that I’d hope to breathe, and I crave every second.

Nails dig into skin as Jace’s shirt is ripped from his body, revealing all those hard, silky muscles. And it’s all mine. Mine to lick. Mine to scratch. And mine to consume.

“Jace…” his name’s a prayer humming past swollen, red lips.

“I got you, baby.” His grip loosens as he locks eyes. “You ever done this before?” He’s tense, waiting for the answer.

Nerves color my admission. “Yes.”

His eyes narrow, another warning growl vibrates his throat. “Who?”

A smile tilts, “None of your business.”

His grip tightens, not enjoying being left in the dark. “Mare,” the threatening tone surrounds my name.

Rolling my eyes, I offer what he needs. “Cooper. Last year after a party. You?” I raise one eyebrow, challenging, and bringing home a point.

His cheeks tint with the knowledge of his answer. He’s no virgin by any means, more of a regular man-whore, and his question offensive. “Hint taken.” He grunts.

“Now shut the fuck up already.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He dives back in, using some of those well-earned skills, removing my bra and shirt in one tug. “Shit, you’re beautiful.” He whispers in a reverent tone, refusing to blink as he appraises my plump breasts, dragging his callous thumb across my pert nipple.

A gasp escapes, opening for Jace to trace his tongue slowly across my bottom lip, enticing me to grip the back of his head. His brawny arm slips around my waist, dragging me up the sheets easily, his back muscles flexing under my fingers.

“Shit.” Jace pulls away, touching our foreheads again.

“What?” The stubble on his serious jaw is rough against my palm.

“I didn’t bring any condoms.”
