Page 64 of Their Broken Tears

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Chapter Twenty Two


Doing dishes last night with Jace was just want I needed to calm the building storm in my gut. The anxiety plaguing our house the past couple of weeks is enough to choke on. My parents were arguing again this morning as my dad walked out the door for work, appearing more ragged than ever. I try to ask Ma what’s going on, but she only wipes at her eyes and tells me it’s nothing I need to worry about. My heart aches for her. My parents never fight. They’ve always gotten along better than any married couple I’ve ever met.

Alex and I slam our car doors at the same time. He looks over at me, seeming to read my mind.

“Lo que está sucediendo con ellos?” he asks.

“I don’t know what’s going on. I asked Ma earlier, but she wouldn’t tell me anything. She said not to worry about it.”

Alex shrugs his shoulders. “I’ve never seen him drink like that before. Do you think everything’s okay?” He’s nervous too, showing a glimpse of the baby brother who used to look up to me for all the answers. Answers that I don’t have to offer.

“I’m sure everything’s fine. Ma would tell us.”

I hope.


Going away to college is going to be amazing. Getting out of this town is a priority. I’m suffocating slowly every day I remain here, made somewhat easier now that I have Jace, but the nerves of everyone accepting our relationship are adding to the pressure. Causing troubles within our friendship dynamic is not the goal, praying that they’ll accept our budding romance.

The school day passes without incident, but the only thoughts swirling around are about telling Alex and Jasmine about Jace and me this weekend. How will we word it? Be blunt and spitting it out or ease into it?

A deep sigh escapes without permission, dispensing the stress plaguing my conscience.

“What’s the matter, Marisol?” Andrew, Jasmine’s potential for the dance, asks.

“Oh, nothing. Just stuff.” Not wanting to unravel my drama, I redirect. “Are you still stopping by after volleyball practice to talk with Jasmine?”

“I planned on it, yeah. What time do you typically finish?”

“Coach usually keeps us until five.”

“Sure. I’ll be there.”

“Okay, see you soon.”

I wave to Andrew as I walk into the locker room to dress down. Jasmine is already dressed and fixing her hair into a ponytail.

“Hey, babe!” I squeal, excited that my plans for the dance are coming together. “Andrew’s stopping by after practice.”

“My dad’s here today, so I’m not sure how long I can stay.”

“Of course. The only time.”

She pulls her hair tighter. “I know, but I’m excited he’s here. It’s been a while since he’s come to a practice or game.” Her eyes are alight with excitement. Such a daddy’s girl.

“That’s great. I wish my parents enjoyed sports and came to watch me.”

“Even if they don’t like sports, they should still come to support you,” she states. I’ve never paid much attention to their attendance at my games, but the older I get, the more I want them here.

“Yeah, you’re right. I’m going to talk with my Ma about it when I get home.” A part of my soul lifts with the simple realization.

“What am I even supposed to say to him?” Jasmine whines, seeming nervous.

“I don’t know. Just talk to him like you would any other time.”

“This time is different, though. Plus, my dad’s here. This is going to be awkward.”

Laughing at her expression, I slap her ass and head towards the door. “Buck up buttercup! Let’s kick some ass out there!”
