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It felt as if my soul had simply detached from my body as my heart broke for the one who had pieced mine together. My stomach dropped and I felt like I could vomit at any second. My head spun as I processed what Pater was asking me to do for him. I would die before I hurt Bennett, there was absolutely no way I would ever complete this task. I had to think of a way to get Bennett away from Veladis, quickly, without anyone seeing.

Never in a million years would I have thought the king would ask me to assassinate his own son. The only people I ever killed were Red Bones, or, at least, I thought they were. The idea sickened me—the thought of killing people who I was told were Red Bones but could’ve simply been a part of Pater’s own agenda.

“You are the only one I trust with this assignment, and I know you can get it done,” he said casually. “I have too many eyes on me to do it myself.”

He looked me up and down with judgment, taking in my startled appearance that I tried to keep hidden. “Do you not think you are up to the task?”

“Yes I am,” I said with assurance. I couldn’t have Pater doubt me, I needed his trust to save Bennett. “But it will be difficult to complete with so many eyes and ears around the castle. Rumors spread like wildfire here. I will need a little time to plan an attempt that will avoid complications from the court.”

He slammed his hands down on the desk behind him. “I don’t have time!”

I flinched at the show of aggression, glad his back was turned to me so he couldn’t see.

He raised his voice and whipped his head to face me, fire behind his eyes. “If you can’t get this done by tomorrow night, then I’ll give the task to someone else.”

Tomorrow night? Was he insane? I was already planning out how the hell I was going to get Bennett out of Veladis in a day without anyone seeing, and the odds were so stacked against me I could already taste failure.

However, all I simply said was, “I won’t disappoint you.”

“Good.” He slowly stepped towards me and brushed a hand softly over my cheek. I had to suppress a cringe. “I would expect nothing less from my favorite.”

He walked back to his desk, groaning as he sat down in his large sofa chair, with a backboard as tall as me. He poured another drink. “I look forward to hearing your report tomorrow night.”

I got up from my settee, bowing slightly in farewell, before I forced my legs to walk at a controlled pace as I exited the office.

The second the door clicked shut I was off in a frenzy, running as fast as my feet could take me.

Please be in my room, please be in my room.

I couldn’t waste any time searching for Bennett. I needed to get his ass on a horse and out of Veladis as fast as possible if we had any chance of escaping Pater’s reach.

I ran down the hallways, passing by servants and court members alike, not caring if they thought I was a crazy person, because at that moment I really was. I’d do anything to make sure Bennett was safe.

I couldn’t stop thinking about the meeting I had with Pater, and I couldn’t get the touch of his skin off of my face. I shuddered as goosebumps ran down my back.

My mind kept reeling over having to tell Bennett that his father murdered his mom, and I didn’t know if I’d ever be ready for that conversation.

I raced down the stairs to the floor my room was stowed on, my lungs aching at the force I was pushing them to. I ran down the hall, making it back to my room in what had to be record time.

I shoved the double doors open. BENNETT?

It would be too risky to speak aloud now, too many ears listened. I silently thanked the stars for that little blessing but cursed them as I found my room missing the prince I searched for.

I was starting to panic now as I quickly checked the washroom, knowing he wouldn’t be in there, but deciding to look just in case.

He must be back in his room, or maybe with Mendex? I didn’t know, but I didn’t have time for this.

I was just about to dart out of my room and head straight for Bennett’s when I saw a folded piece of paper in the center of my bed.

Did Bennett leave me a note?

I desperately picked up the paper, quickly reading the letter. I was worried he left me a note saying he decided to go out tonight, which would make finding him that much harder.

Well, hello there, King’s Favorite…

Missing something?
