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She continued pacing. “Knowing you two, I’m sure you’ve already heard that Prince Bennett has returned to the castle.” I shuddered at the thought of the astronomy tower. “Bennett has also returned with his personal royal guard. As you know, both of these young men are of the utmost importance in the kingdom and should receive extensive care.”

I shoved my hands under my thighs to keep them from shaking. I could not be assigned to Bennett. Absolutely not.

“Bennett suffers from serious migraines and will need a healer nightly to help soothe the pain and relieve the tension. The reason we practiced headache relief was to prepare for these sessions with the prince.”

I desperately prayed to my stars that were now hidden behind the sun.

Please don’t let me be assigned to Bennett. Please.

As a feared assassin, the thought of me alone in his room scared me more than it should have.

“The prince’s personal guard, Mendex, suffers from heart palpitations. He will need to be treated when called upon to help lower his heart rate, as well as help with any other injuries he may sustain from his position.”

“Do we get to choose who we attend to?” I blurted, unable to control my anxiousness.


The back of my hand stung, but I’d felt worse. I'd practically built an intolerance to the ruler.

I didn’t break eye contact as she hissed, “I will be choosing. After assessing your performance today, I have decided that Amica shall be assigned to Prince Bennett, and Rhia to Mendex. Amica, your headache relief skills are stronger and faster, making you better suited to serve the prince.”

I let out an audible sigh, not caring if there was an intended blow in that comment. I silently thanked my little star friends and sank low into my chair with relief.

Amica looked disappointed. From what I could read on her features, it looked like both of us were avoiding the prince.

“Your long-term assignments will begin promptly. I will have both of you meet your patients at their personal quarters tonight at eight to introduce yourselves, go over the procedures, and answer any questions they may have. The two of them have been informed of your positions and will be expecting you.” Sana turned her back on us and walked out of the classroom, throwing over her shoulder, “Class dismissed.”

Amica and I glanced at each other, waiting for Sana’s steps to recede.

Once we knew she was out of earshot Amica let out a dramatic sigh, “You are so lucky. You get to be with the handsome, strong guard while I get. . .Bennett.”

She genuinely looked so irritated I couldn’t help but laugh. “I promise he’s all yours, and I will tell you every detail of anything and every word said during our sessions.”

I secretly hoped she would agree to do the same with her and Bennett, but she just pursed her lips and said, “I guess that will have to do, but maybe when you’re out on one of the king’s assignments I can take over for you.” She winked.

“Go for it.”

We cleaned up the classroom and packed up our things before heading straight to the dining hall. As we ate breakfast, I couldn’t keep my eyes from constantly darting around the room, searching for a pair of navy ones to lock onto. I just about scarfed down my oats, desperate not to waste one moment of my time that I could be training for my inevitable spar with Bennett.

After I finished, I met Miles at the training room for our new extended training sessions that Pater now required. I explained to him about my upcoming spar with his brother next week, and I had never in my life seen him get so excited to train. I didn’t know how long Miles and I were in there for, throwing knives, shooting arrows, practicing with fist and sword. I didn’t leave the mat until every part of me, mind and body, knew I would not fail next week.

I couldn’t fail. I wouldn’t.

So, I pushed my body until my legs collapsed and the sun had set. Amica had to come and push us back to our rooms on one of the wheely chairs she stole from Sana’s office.
