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“You are a very bad girl,” he said, biting the lobe of my left ear.

“I am,” I whispered, “but not as bad as someone who associates with the Red Bones.”

His eyes widened. “Who are—?” He started to pull back, but my hand was already cupped behind his neck. My Golden blood was humming and the bones in his neck were broken before he could finish his sentence.

His body dropped to the floor, and before the other men got the chance to reach for their swords, I unsheathed the golden dagger from my thigh and sliced the throat of the white-haired father. His hands reached instinctively to his neck to try and stop the gargle of blood, but his knees hit the floor and he was dead within seconds. Blood now soaked the wooden floors as the three other men unstrapped their swords and stood their guard.

“You're one of them. A cursed,” spat the raspy voice. “You won’t make it out of this room alive, witch.”

I gave a wicked grin. “Always underestimating me.”

The man with the raspy voice lifted his sword and charged me head on. I was trained to be fast on my feet, and I easily slid left to doge the swing of his weapon while unsheathing the sword strapped to my back. He started to turn, lifting his elbow, but I brought the sword down quickly, decapitating his head from his shoulders. It rolled on the ground, bumping into the son's dead body, causing the wood to become an even deeper shade of crimson.

The two men left were wide-eyed and shaken. They looked at each other, then back to me when the one on the right pleaded, “Please, have mercy,” and the two of them dropped their weapons.

Smart boys, but unfortunately, we already agreed that they wouldn’t be leaving this room.

I tilted my head to the right and scrunched my brows. “I think I'll pass.” I slipped one of the knives from my sleeve and within seconds the man begging for mercy had a blade between his eyes, dead before he hit the ground.

The last man standing was visibly shaking now, and rightfully so. I mean, I did just kill his fellow clan members. I finally removed my hood, letting the dark brown braid fall over my shoulder and revealing my now golden eyes.

“Tell me what you know, and I might let you walk out of here alive.” I walked over to him. The man had sunk to his knees.

“I’m not telling you shit,” he spat. “You won’t learn anything. I’ll kill myself before I spill any information on the Red Bones.”

“Well sir, I think you’re wrong, because I did learn some interesting things. In fact, I was standing on the other side of this door, listening before I came to say hello.” He looked shocked and began shaking his head. “I’ve learned of the one you call Skull King and the numbers you have grown, but I’m all ears if you’re willing to share more.” I leaned in close, only inches away from his face as I whispered, “It’ll be our little secret.”

Looking panicked, he said, “I didn’t realize it at first, but I know who you are now.” He looked around the room, eyeing the dead bodies. “The King’s Favorite,” he answered, as if the words were poison on his tongue. “I know I’m not leaving here alive, so I’ll leave you with one thing.” He raised his eyes and locked onto mine. “The Red Bones will rise, and this kingdom will fall.”

Well, he was right about one thing—he wasn’t leaving here alive. I smiled as I swung my golden blade through the air and slit his throat.
