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The four of us laughed as I wrapped my arm around Miles’. We started for the grand ballroom, walking through the halls of the castle and talking aimlessly. The halls that typically were filled with busting servants and court gossip were now barren, surely due to Pater’s party. I lifted my chin up slightly, feeling confident in the dress I wore and even more so being surrounded by my friends.

The grand ballroom was absolutely marvelous. The servants who spent the past week decorating the ballroom did not disappoint. The room was brightly lit with little glass orbs that were strung across the high ceilings, adjacent to white satin banners that draped beside them. The dining tables were placed towards the sides of the room, swathed in white linen, with bouquets of colorful lilies—the king’s favorite flower—atop them. The empty space in the middle of the ballroom became the dance floor, and it was already flowing with people. There was a giant orchestra set up at the back of the room by the dais, filling the ballroom with the sounds of various melodies.

The four of us made our way to a table towards the front of the room, different from our typical choice of one by the dais, but we decided it would be better to not be so close to the orchestra. Appetizers of assorted meats, cheeses, and pickled vegetables were spread on the tables, providing quick snacks for the attendees. The main course would appear a little later in the night.

Servants carrying bubbling champagne on silver trays offered us glasses. Miles and Amica greedily took a glass each, but Mendex and I respectfully declined. There had been times where I had been drunk before, either at a parlor with my friends, or from alcohol that Amica and Miles snuck into my room late at night, but I wasn’t really supposed to drink. Pater had warned me against it in case I was suddenly called for an assignment or needed to defend myself. The alcohol would make it impossible for me to carry out any task given by him, and since he specifically asked me to stay away from it, I would feel guilty indulging at his own birthday party.

Miles and Amica threw their glasses back and practically downed their drinks in one gulp. The two of them looked at each other with a sinister sparkle in their eyes.

Oh, no.

I knew that look all too well. It was the look I saw each night the two of them decided to get shitfaced, which typically ended with me holding Amica’s hair back and Miles passed out on my bed, leaving me to sleep on the couch.

I felt a slight twinge of envy, but it didn’t linger long before Miles was grabbing another glass off a tray and chugging it down while reaching for my wrist with his empty hand and dragging me towards the dance floor. He set the glass down on some random table and swept me into the rush of people.

I loved dancing. It was a lot like fighting, in the sense where I would let instinct take over. The sound flowed through my blood just like my craft, and my muscles moved to the beat of the music. I spun and spun and spun, letting Miles lift me up towards the ceiling so I could feel like I was floating on air. When the song was over I was practically breathless, holding onto Miles’ shoulder for stability. The break didn’t last long before the orchestra began to play the traditional Veladin dance song, “Salto.” The rhythm was more upbeat now, and the strings were playing faster and at a higher pitch. Shouts of approval ran through the room and even more people joined us on the floor.

I learned the Salto dance when I was a little girl. Amica and I practiced switching partners with Miles and Bennett so we could be prepared for every ball we ever attended. It took me a couple months to perfect it, and even all these years later, it was still my favorite song to dance to at the ridiculous number of balls that were held in this castle.

I started with Miles as my partner, my hands in his as our arms drew closer to one another, then farther away. Every step of the dance was as easy as breathing to me, and Miles had to, “make it more of a challenge,” by attempting to trip me every five seconds.

The music indicated it was time to switch and there was another whoop from the mound of people. I never understood why we always shouted when we switched partners, but oddly enough, it made it more fun.

My new partner was an older gentleman who looked to be about seventy years old. His hair was gray, his back hunched over, yet even with his age he had a huge smile on his face, eager to dance. He took my hands in his and spun me around and around, keeping perfect time.

“Wow!” I said. “You’re a great dancer.” He really was, especially for someone of his age. He could keep up with the beat better than most of the people here.

“Afraid I’ll outshine you?” he asked with a mischievous smile, as if he was still a kid at heart.


I picked up my knees and danced harder at the taunt, the two of us laughing. I briefly wondered if this is what it would’ve been like for me to have a grandfather. Would my own have danced with me like this? Would we have laughed at each other’s ridiculous dance moves?

With my thoughts drifting, my dancing slightly fell behind tempo.

“You better watch it now,” the old man said teasingly. “I’ve got at least fifty years on you; I shouldn’t be that much better than you.”

He laughed a big belly laugh, and I couldn’t help but laugh with him. Honestly, he was outshining me. I let him relish in it, seeing the joy that dancing brought him, as well.

The music indicated it was time to switch partners and the man bowed and looked up at me. “It was an honor, Your Majesty.”

I curtsied back, playing along. “The honor was all mine.”

My cheeks hurt by the time I met my new partner. It was Sam, one of my friends from the guard. His buzzed head, deep brows, and sharp facial hair made him look intimidating, but anyone who knew him knew he was softer than velvet at heart.

He twiddled his thumbs as he swallowed. “Rhia,” he said nervously. “You look marvelous.”

“As do you,” I replied, taking the initiative to grab his hands and pull him into me.

Sam was a great dancer, and I bet all of his training allowed him to be swift on his feet. We kept up with each other at perfect pace, matching our energy and movements to make our bodies seem as if we were one. It was incredible to dance with a partner that truly felt the music like this—even Miles didn’t match my movements this well.

We danced around one another, his hands reaching for my waist and then lifting me up and into the air. When he placed me back down to the ground we never broke eye contact. My cheeks heated slightly as he pulled me in closer to him, our faces only a couple inches apart.

The strings gave the indication that it was time to switch, and another whoop was yelled into the air. He gave me a quick wink, then spun me out of his arms as the music sped up once again and everyone began changing partners.

My head was a little dizzy from my encounter with Sam, and I stumbled a bit on my way to my next partner and ran into their chest, hard.

“Sorry I was a little off my balance, I—”
