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I gasped at the bite Miles just gave. Bennett lowered his head and drew his shadows back in.

“I was just kid—”

Miles shook his head. “Like that’s an excuse. You knew what you were doing.”

“And I’ve regretted it every day since.”

Bennett refused to look at me and instead looked at the broken wood and shattered glass on the floor. He walked over to his brother, extending a hand to help him up, but Miles brushed off the offer, getting up on his own and making his way back towards me.

“Get her back to her room safely,” Bennett said, turning his back towards us. “I’ll clean this up.”

Neither of us said goodbye as Miles grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the cellar. My. head spun as I tried to keep up with him, the dizziness making my balance falter. I tried to get my eyes to focus as I searched for the cells from the Veladin prison, but we were back to the upper levels faster than I thought we would take, making me realize that there must have been multiple entrances to the lower levels of the castle. Eventually he had to carry me up the stairs to my room since my legs decided to stop working. Amica was already there, waiting for me.

“Where were you?” She gasped as she ran towards me, catching me as I fell into her arms. “We’ve been looking everywhere for you! Are you drunk? Rhia what the—?”

I didn’t hear the last part of what she said before I rushed to the washroom and vomited the two bottles of wine I consumed. I tried to fight back tears, but they spilled down my cheeks as I hurled again. I had no idea why I was crying, there was absolutely no reason for me to, but the emotions wouldn’t stop.

Amica joined me in the washroom and held my hair back as she gave my back soothing strokes. She consoled me and told me that everything was okay and that she didn’t mean to sound angry.

My head hurt so bad it felt like a brick hit me. I tried to stand from where I was kneeling on the washroom floor, but my legs wobbled and I fell back down. Miles scooped me up in a cradle and carried me to my bed, laying me down on my side.

Amica climbed into bed beside me and laughed. “Wow, it is so much better being on this side of things.” She fluffed her pillow. “No offense, Rhia.”

I just groaned in response, and she laughed.

“I’ll come and check on you both in the morning,” Miles said before bringing the blankets up over Amica and I, making me feel all warm and cozy.

“So protective.” Amica rolled her eyes. “Goodnight, Miles.”

“Goodnight,” he said.

I think I muttered it back, but who knew at that point.

The sound of the door clicking shut was the last thing I heard before I couldn’t fight the spinning sensation anymore and passed out.
