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Pater sighed and shook his head. “Do not apologize. This information was very helpful, and I need you to know that it cannot leave this room.”

“Well, of course not.” The irritation I shoved down started to rise at the assumption, even if it was partially true. “I won’t say a word.”

“I'm serious, Rhia. Not to Amica, Miles, or even Bennett.”

I chuckled at that last bit. Like I would ever confide in Bennett.

I nodded in response to his request. “So, you think what the man said is true?”

“No,” he said quickly. “But I don’t need others to believe it is, either.”

I guess he had a point there, and because he specifically requested me not to say anything to anyone, I’d make sure to leave this bit out when I updated Amica.

“Now can you tell me about the bargain?” I pressed.

Pater got up from his chair and walked to the front of his desk. He leaned against it, clasping his hands in front of him. “The bargain was that if you won, he would need to accompany you on your next mission. As well as doing some training together to prepare.”

My jaw dropped.

This was worse. This was much, much worse. I actually have to work alongside Bennett and train with him?

Before I could protest and simply forfeit my position, Pater continued. “I have a very important assignment that requires traveling. I didn’t want you to go alone, and although you felt the need to remind me,” Pater said with a slight attitude, “I’m aware that Bennett has become a skilled fighter. I figured he would be the best person to accompany you on this task, but I knew it would be practically impossible to persuade him to join you. So, when he initiated the bet, I figured it would be the best chance to get him to join you.”

I was even more confused now. Bennett hated me, yet told Pater I beat him, knowing he would have to accompany me on some task, as well as train with me in the meantime. How would Miles react when I told him I’d start training with his brother instead of him? My heart picked up just thinking of the conversation. I would have to come up with yet another lie, and I absolutely hated lying to Miles.

If I didn’t leave this office soon, I knew my emotions would get the better of me. I was furious that this bargain revolved around me when I had no say in it. I had no control. Everything was planned out for me, and I was clueless about it.

I took a deep breath in through my nose, trying to calm the storm of frustration inside me. “So, what exactly is this assignment?”

“I want to explain the details of it with you both, either tonight or tomorrow. I want to make sure everyone is on the same page.” I audibly laughed at the irony, and Pater gave me an annoyed look as if he didn’t understand the joke. “I’ll send for you both tonight, but for now, get some rest and let Miles know you’re not going to be training with him for the time being.”

Miles was my favorite training partner, and he was always so welcoming to having Stella, Ancilla’s daughter, join us every now and then. He even taught her some of the skills she knew. It felt like a betrayal leaving our daily training session to instead train with someone he clearly hated.

“Okay,” I said with an audible sigh, not caring if Pater read the annoyance written on my face.

I rose from the settee and began to walk out of the office, already planning out how to squeeze in one last training session with Miles and Stella before I had to break the news to Miles.

Pater cleared his throat. “Hey, Rhia?”

I turned to face Pater, already halfway out the door.

“I’m proud of you.”

I gave him a smile that didn’t quite reach my eyes. I didn’t believe him; I hardly ever did. How could someone be proud of me when I couldn’t even be proud of myself?


“Rhia!” Stella wrapped her arms around me and I swung her into the air, spinning her before I set her back down on the ground. She was two heads shorter than me but growing fast. I had a feeling she would probably be taller than me once she was done growing.

“It's good to see you, Stella,” I said. “Ready for an intense training session?”

Her short blonde hair was pulled back into a small ponytail, and when she smiled up at me, a couple of baby teeth were missing that she had proudly told me she yanked out herself.

“You know it!” she said with enthusiasm.

“Well, if it isn’t the future captain of the Royal Guard,” Miles said to Stella as he strolled into the training room, setting his bag down on the ground. He was dressed in his fighting leathers, just like Stella and I were.

“I thought that was supposed to be you?” Stella said innocently.
