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Flames lit behind my eyes. “I wouldn’t recommend underestimating me, Bennett.”

He smirked. “I’m pretty sure I already know what you’re capable of, but even so, I’m not really sure what the problem is here, or why I would run to my father over a little training session. Unless there is something I’m missing.”

Miles and I glanced at each other, speaking with our eyes. Perhaps Bennett didn’t know of his father’s absurd rule of no women—besides me of course—being allowed to train. Miles gave me a quick nod to let me know he understood to drop the subject before Bennett could understand the severity of the situation.

“Why are you here?” Miles said sharply.

“Don’t want to train with me, brother?” Amusement coated Bennett’s voice.


Bennett placed a hand over his heart. “Ouch, Miles, that hurt. You know I used to love training with you when we were little.”

He rolled his eyes. “No, you didn’t.”

Bennett chucked. “Oh, I suppose you're right. Sorry, my memory is getting a bit hazy nowadays.”

The unspoken words in the room were that it was actually me who Bennett used to love training with.

Irritation coated Miles’ tone. “If you’ve just come here to interrupt our training, then congratulations, you succeeded, but we’re done now. C’mon, Rhia, let’s go.”

Miles walked over to me, stretching out his hand to grab my arm, but Bennett’s hand wrapped around Miles’ wrist so fast my brain hardly registered the movement.

Bennett’s voice dropped half an octave as he looked his brother in the eyes. “I believe she’s quite capable of walking on her own. Don’t you think so?”

Anger seeped from the two of them as Miles snapped, “What’s your problem?”

“Let go of him, Bennett,” I said with a steady calm.

Surprisingly to us both, Bennett let go of his wrists and turned to face me.

“Plus, Rhia isn’t leaving just yet.”

Miles stepped in front of me, putting himself between me and Bennett. “Yes, she is. Like I said, we’re done here.”

Bennett pushed his brother aside and smirked. “Oh? I’m assuming you haven’t heard the news. Rhia and I will be training together.” He paused, clearly enjoying this. “From now on.”

My stomach dropped and twisted around itself. I was planning on telling Miles this after our session with Stella. This was not how I wanted it to happen.

Miles laughed. “Yeah right, like Rhia is gonna want to train with you.”

“He's right, Miles,” I said quietly, hoping to soften the blow. I placed a hand on his shoulder as I walked forward to stand beside him. “Not by choice, of course, but by your father’s commands. For the time being, I have been asked to train with Bennett. I’m sorry Miles, I was planning on telling you and Stella both after our run through the obstacle course.”

He sighed, looking like he was trying to suppress the anger that was bound to snap from him. “It’s okay, Rhia, it’s not your fault, and really I feel sorry for you. You’re the one who’s forced to train with this prick.”

“Watch it,” Bennett hissed.

Miles placed his hand over my own. “I’ll talk to my father and see what I can do. Perhaps I can convince him that it would be better if you trained with me.”

Bennett laughed. “Good luck with that.”

I just gave Miles a small smile, knowing that Bennett was right and there was no way that Pater would change his mind with the current circumstances.

Bennett clapped his hands together. “Well, Miles, if you said you’re done here, feel free to leave. Rhia and I have some training to do.”

The two of them began to size each other up to the point where I had to legitimately stand in between the two of them. I placed my hands on Miles’ chest, trying to make some space between the two of them. “Miles, I'll be fine. Go check on Stella and make sure she’s okay. I’ll meet up with you at dinner tonight.”

He backed down, but his eyes remained on Bennett’s as he gave me a quick embrace goodbye. “I’ll have Ancilla leave your outfit for tonight on your bed,” he said before leaving Bennett and I alone to train.

My jaw dropped as I just now processed that because of Bennett’s appearance, I lost my own bet. My eyes were knives. “You’re gonna pay for me losing that bet.”

Bennett simply smiled. “Oh, I have no doubt. But for now, let’s see if you can beat me again in hand-to-hand combat. Let’s begin, shall we?”
