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I was yanked back hard by my bun as Saeva dragged me away from the boy and across the floor, getting dirt in my eyes and mouth.

“That girl healed me, Mom!” the boy said, and I tried to turn my head to glance back at him, but Saeva’s grip was too strong.

“Stop, in the name of the King!” came a loud and deep voice from behind me.

Saeva stopped and I bumped into his leg. He lifted me up by my hair and whispered only loud enough so I could hear, “Look what you’ve done, you bitch.”

We turned to face the voice and I found myself looking at the boy, surrounded by his mother, father, and who I would assume to be his brother. It was then that I realized the boy I just healed was the prince, and the man staring at me was the king.

Oh, my stars.

“Ringleader, you are in possession of a Life Crafter, and yet you did not inform the Royal Guard,” the king said, squaring his jaw. “You know the rules of this kingdom. Seeing as this girl is only a child, and in your protection, it would be your responsibility to have done so.” The king turned to his right, gesturing for one of his two guards to come to him. “Kindly escort this girl to the carriage outside along with my sons and the queen. I will be with you shortly.”

Saeva whispered in my ear before letting go of me, “Someday, you will pay for what this is costing me.”

He shoved me forward and the guard caught me. “Everything is going to be okay, sweetie, you’re in good hands.” The guard placed a hand on my shoulder, and I flinched as the skin there was still sensitive. He escorted me away from the circus tent that had been my prison for the past four years to a carriage that would take me to a home I only ever dreamed of.

The boy I healed, and whom I now knew was a prince, ran to walk in step beside me. “Thank you,” he said, “for saving me.”

Little did he know, I really should have been thanking him, for it was he who had saved me.

“You know none of them were left alive, and I did find some information that may be useful,” I said, shaking my head to relieve myself of the memory. I explained everything I overheard in The Ossium, including the Skull King and what the Red Bones said about needing to be rid of me before their plans could continue.

He took another drink from his glass. “Rhia, I don’t like the thought of them planning to harm you.”

“Pater, they have been trying to harm me for years and can’t even figure out who I am! It means nothing, and I am more than capable of being able to defend myself.”

“Yes, I know, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want you to be careful.” He sighed, taking another big swig of whiskey. “I feel like now would be a good time to bring up that I asked Miles to add an extra day of training with you.”

I grunted, lifting my hands to cover my face, and slowly sliding them down.

“So dramatic,” he said, chuckling. “I thought you would be happy about that. You love hanging out with Miles.”

That was true. Miles was one of my best friends and I did love spending time with him, just not when that time required intense training and him nitpicking every little thing I did wrong. Although the king would never admit it, he knew I was the better fighter, and in some ways I was training Miles.

Miles was the second son of the king, as well as the future captain of the Royal Guard. He was a year younger than me and practically my brother, as we’d grown up and done pretty much everything together. I was looking forward to celebrating his promotion to Captain in a couple months. I was sure it would be a hell of a celebration, knowing this family.

“Fine.” I sighed dramatically. “I guess I can bear with it.”

“Good. If what the Red Bones said about their numbers growing is true, then some extra training would be of no harm to either of you.”

I could agree with that, I just hoped my sticks for arms would, too.

I began to turn on my side, using my hands as a pillow, readying myself to take a nap on my favorite settee.

“Um, Rhia?”

“Mhm?” I replied, closing my eyes.

“As much as I love spending time with you, I have another meeting in a couple minutes.”

A meeting? In his private office? That was weird. “With whom?” I asked.

“You will find out soon enough,” he responded. “You should get some rest. I had your servants draw you a bath, so it will be ready when you get back to your room.” I started to get up from the settee, suddenly noticing the dried blood that was still crusted on my hands. “Oh, and I had your favorite almond scones sent up as well.” My head snapped in his direction. “You’re welcome.”

“My, my, my, all of that for me?” I knew he mentioned the latter to keep me from questioning the former and get me out of his office faster than I typically would. “Since you did all that, I guess I won’t question this meeting.” I eyed him suspiciously. “But I will find out soon. I have my ways, as you know.”

“I'm sure you will.” He chuckled, and then he just stared at me, as if his mind had gone to another place and he’d forgotten I was even there.
