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Iwoke to a knock on my door. My eyes were still practically glued shut, but I could pry them open just enough to see that it was still pitch dark outside, meaning it was probably the middle of the night. Maybe the knock was someone else’s door and I just misheard. That was probably the case, so it was best if I just went back to sl—


My eyes flew open this time to the much more aggressive knock on my door. I grunted as I threw my warm covers off my body and walked on the cold stone floor over to the door.

“What?!” I said aggressively to the intruder.

A guard stood on the other side of the door, one I wasn’t too familiar with. Maybe his name was John?

“Hello, Lady Rhia, I’m Jacob from the Royal Guard.” Well, I was kind of close with the name. “The king has requested your presence immediately and has asked me to tell you to pack a bag with enough belongings to satisfy you for a few days.”

Even though Jacob was a royal guard I could see a bit of fear in his eyes, probably due to the murderous look I was giving him and the fact that I was just wearing my silk night gown.

“Pater wants me to leave now?”

He cleared his throat. “Yes, Lady Rhia. Is there anything I could assist you with? The king requested that I escort you to the stables when you’re ready to go. He and Prince Bennett will be waiting for you there.”

“I don’t need your assistance,” I said, then slammed the door in his face. That was probably pretty harsh for a guy who was just doing his job, but I was annoyed for being woken up in the middle of the night and having this mission sprung on me.

I hated not having control over situations, so this scenario was particularly annoying, considering I’d have to rush packing and would likely end up forgetting to bring something. My brain was still foggy from just waking up, but my adrenaline kept me moving fast and I shoved different pants, jackets, weapons, and anything else that could fit into my backpack.

I tossed on a gray long-sleeved tunic and black breeches, sheathing my golden dagger to my thigh and throwing the hood of my cloak over my head. I strapped my boots on before doing a quick double check around the room to make sure I didn’t forget anything of necessity, and when I was sure I wasn’t forgetting anything, I walked across my room to the shared door that led to Amica’s chamber. I pounded on the door just as loud as Jacob did on mine. I could hear her annoyed grunt, so I knew she woke from it.

I would feel guilty if I left without telling Amica where I was going.

She opened the door. “You better have a good explanation for this.” She looked about as rough as I did, and it just occurred to me at that moment that I still hadn’t heard all of the details from her date with Mendex.

“Okay, first, when I get back, don’t forget to tell me all of the details about your date with Mendex and anything else that happens when I’m gone.”

She rubbed her eyes, the bleariness vanishing from them as they widened. “Gone? Where in the world are you going? It’s the middle of the night.” She lowered her voice and said, “Are you going to a gambling den again?”

We both laughed at the question and the ridiculous unlikelihood of me ever going there by myself willingly.

“Pater has me going on an assignment in Vicinus with—”

“Vicinus!” Amica interrupted.

“Yes, with Bennett and—”

“With Bennett?!” She squealed. Her eyebrows shot up like the tone of her voice.

I shushed her in fear of her waking up the entire castle. “We were supposed to leave for the assignment in a few days, which is why I haven’t told you about it yet, but one of the royal guards just came and told me to grab my stuff and to leave immediately.”

Amica quickly wrapped her arms around my shoulders and squeezed. She didn’t let go when she said, “I always worry about you when you’re gone. Please be safe, and feel free to punch Bennett when he gets on your nerves; he’s sure been getting on mine lately.”

I wrapped my arms around her waist and squeezed back. “I’ll only be gone for a few days, and I’ll be sure to see you as soon as I get back.”

We stood there a little longer, just being in each other’s presence. I didn’t want to let go. Amica was familiar and warm and home to me. Vicinus with Bennett was unpredictable and cold and foreign.

“Stay safe, please,” she said, and I sighed, finally letting go of our embrace. Her curly hair was even more untamed from just being slept on, but she was still so naturally beautiful. When I was a child I would often find myself jealous of her for it. For her flawless skin and honey brown eyes. However, as I grew up, there were still times where I noticed this beauty, but instead of being jealous of it, I admired it, because I’ve learned to appreciate my unique design and all the qualities that make me one to admire as well.

After one last quick goodbye hug, I closed the door and grabbed my backpack before meeting Jacob outside my chambers. He rested his hand on the hilt of his sword as the two of us walked in silence all the way to the stables. It took us a solid five minutes to walk across the entire castle and grounds to the stables, and once we arrived I saw Bennett and Pater already standing there with two horses saddled and bridled up.

“About time you got here, Rhiannon,” Bennett said, stroking the mane of a large black stallion with stunning features and muscles like I’d never seen before. The horse looked like it could run for days and never get tired.

“Well, if someone mentioned that we were leaving in the middle of the night, maybe I would’ve been more prepared and could’ve been down here a little sooner.” My eyes locked on Pater’s, but he held my stare.
