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Bennett crossed the room and placed his bag in the corner. “I’ll sleep on the floor.”

I laughed as I looked around. “What floor?”

The room was so small there was just enough space to walk from one side of the bed to the other.

His eyes searched the room for a sufficient place to sleep and a frown tugged at the corner of his lips

I sighed. “Bennett, it’s fine, we used to have sleepovers together all the time growing up. This isn’t any different.”

He crossed his arms as he scratched the five o’clock shadow growing on his face. He looked so apprehensive at the idea that I honestly felt a little offended. I felt like most men would have jumped on the opportunity to get in bed with a woman, but Bennett looked like he was trying to convince himself to.

Not that it should have even bothered me in the first place.

Which it does.

Why did Bennett hate the idea of being in bed with me? It was practically written all over his face. I could slowly feel my self-confidence slipping away.

I started to get frustrated as Bennett remained silent, as if I was asking too much of something. It wasn’t like I was demanding sex; it was literally like how we spent the night in each other’s rooms when we were eleven, and the last time—

Oh, shit. The last time.

The last time I shared a bed with Bennett was after his mom died. When I cuddled up beside him, giving him every ounce of comfort that I could, and woke to the grip of his shadows around my neck in an attempt to kill me.

My heart skipped a beat at the memory and my vision laced with fear for a split second before I locked it down.

“Rhia, please don’t look at me like that,” he pleaded.

I am the King’s Favorite. A powerful assassin who has trained all of her life to never know the feeling of fear. I am not afraid.

“I am not afraid of you, Bennett.” And that was true. I knew he was powerful enough to kill me and sleeping would be a perfect opportunity to do so. “If you wanted me dead, I would be already.”

That seemed to be a sufficient enough answer for him as he strode over to the far side of the bed, taking his cloak off, and beginning to unbutton his shirt.

“We can use a pillow to make a barrier between us,” he said. “Get ready for bed, there’s something I need to do early in the morning and you’re coming with me.”

“I’ll do what I want, thank you.”

He gave me a knowing smirk and rolled his eyes as I proceeded to basically do what he just said and got myself ready for bed. Bennett didn’t protest my claim that I wouldn’t necessarily be traveling with him tomorrow morning. So, he either respected my choices, or knew I would come no matter what because I was nosy and couldn’t pass up an opportunity to gain an edge on someone. I knew he was waiting for me to ask where this errand was, but whatever. I wouldn’t let him know that I cared about what we’d be doing or that he invited me to come with him. I didn’t need to play the stupid guessing game and I was exhausted.

Bennett turned away from me to give me privacy as I changed. I stripped out of my breeches and unbuttoned my shirt, letting the clothes slowly hit the floor. Opening my small pack, I grabbed the night gown I threw in there when I was rushing to pack my things, and my heart stopped.

Out of the rush of having to leave so quickly, I wasn’t really paying attention to what I shoved in my bag. The one, the one skimpy nightgown I owned, of course just happened to be the one I packed.

I slipped on the silk black nightgown and goosebumps traveled up my body as I shivered from the exposed skin.

Okay, on three I’m going to turn around and jump under the covers and Bennett will never see me in this.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm the nerves that suddenly overtook me.

One. I used my hands to flatten the non-existent creases from the gown. Two. I took a deep breath, resisting the urge to look over my shoulder. Three.

I whipped my head around, ready to leap on the bed, when a pair of eyes stopped me dead in my tracks.

Bennett was already soaking in the sight of me, his eyes trailing over every inch of my body. My breath got caught in my lungs and I froze as I watched him look at me as if I was something to be devoured.

He let out a growl in the back of his throat. “That’s what you’re wearing to bed?”

I looked down at my nightgown and how it clung to my body in all the right places, stopping at my upper thigh.
