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When we arrived at the entrance to the cave, we had to crouch down to avoid hitting our heads. The cave was really only big enough to fit the two of us, and even then, we were squished together, hip to hip. It was extremely dark, and I could barely see a foot in front of me. The floors and walls were slick with moisture and the temperature dropped at least twenty degrees. If there was any light in here, I would probably be able to see my breath.

“Use your other hand to feel the wall beside you. Then we will know which way we need to turn,” Bennett said.

I placed my hand on the rocky wall beside me and hissed as it was met with a layer of ice.

Great. Now I’m even more likely to lose a finger.

“It’s not too far of a walk. You’ll know when we get there. Hopefully.”

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

We had to crouch so low that the backs of my thighs began to burn, and every time I tried to give them some relief by straightening them, I swore as my head hit the ceiling. The sound of dripping came from all around me, and I had to assume we were close to water with this much moisture in the tunnel. The air was clean down here, but the higher we climbed up through the mountain, the harder it got to breathe.

It had been almost a half an hour and I still didn’t see whatever the hell Bennett thought I was supposed to be seeing

“Are we almost there?” I groaned impatiently.

“It won’t be too much longer.”

He squeezed my hand in reassurance, which made my stomach turn inside out. How could such a tiny gesture have that much power over me? I needed to get it together, and fast.

The sound of rushing water came from a distance, and I could see the faintest hint of light. The tunnel began to grow, and I finally could stand up straight and could put some distance between Bennett and I. Well, enough distance while still holding his hand.

A feeling of excitement washed over me, and I felt drawn to the light, as if it was trying to tug me closer.

“Do you feel that?” I asked Bennett.

“Feel what?”

I shook my head, shrugging off the weird sensation that was filling my every vein.

Bennett turned to me and arched a brow. “I’ll race you there?”

“But then I’d have to let go of your hand.”

He gave me an amused smirk that said he was satisfied with my response. I jerked my hand out of his.

“Fine, but I get a head start!” I took off without warning and ran down the tunnel. My boots threatened to slip with each step, but I held my balance and let adrenaline keep my legs from shaking. The small light turned into an opening at the other end of the cave. The tunnel grew into a large cavern and water rushed by me in a stream as I ran beside it.

“Later, loser,” Bennett said as he passed me with the biggest smile on his face.

I couldn’t help but laugh back at him. The energy of this place was exhilarating, and I couldn’t get enough of it. I picked up speed and my body screamed as I pushed it to its limits. I came to a halt as I caught up to Bennett and beheld a giant waterfall flowing out of the mountain. The stream was so powerful that drops of water splashed on Bennett’s face and I laughed again.

I turned my gaze away from him and out to the opening in the cave and my whole body halted at what stood before me

“By the stars. . .”

What I laid eyes on had to be the most astonishing place I’d ever seen. An entire kingdom was laid out before me that I never even knew existed. A city that felt so alive I could practically feel its heart beating.

People bustled up and down the streets, giving shouts of joy and engaging with one another. What looked like the central market for the kingdom held many different booths that sold jewelry, and produce, and books, and—stars I don’t even know what else. Children chased each other in some kind of game and even some of the parents joined along with them. Strings of lanterns that were all different shapes and colors hung across the myriads of buildings in the town. All of the light made this place have a magical glow radiate from it.

When my eyes began to travel away from the central marketplace, I began to notice that this kingdom had different corners with their own little central theme. In one square I saw musicians playing all different kinds of instruments. Some were playing trumpets while others strummed guitars. They played a synchronizing melody that I could barely hear from up here on the mountain, but was eager to listen to up close. In another corner, I found easels surrounded by artists painting away like there wasn’t a worry in the world. Some artists were creating pottery or sculpting pieces that were sure to be beautiful. In another corner I found a stage made out of stone, with outdoor seating. Almost every seat was filled as people watched a play being performed by various actors in some of the gaudiest costumes I’d ever seen. In the last little block, I squinted to try and see what that segment was made up of, but I couldn’t tell, which only made me more curious to go over and find out why those people had gathered together. Through the kingdom there was a grand canal that made a waterway for boats to travel across and people to use as a way to get to their different destinations. It was incredible to see a waterway that went through the middle of the kingdom; in Veladis, our only form of water transportation was to and from Vicinus by sea.

For the first time since entering the cave I looked up, almost startled to see the sky above me. The cave had just been a means of transportation, which then gave way to this incredible landscape. How the hell did no one know about this place?

Across the horizon, streaks of purple and green floated in the sky like paint brushed across a canvas. The color was captivating and had movement to it, making it seem as if it was dancing to a silent melody. As my eyes kept adoring the colorful lights that stretched above the kingdom, I gasped.

