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"What’s with all of the lanterns everywhere?” I asked Bennett as we strolled down the streets of Vesper.

Lanterns of all different shapes and sizes were strung between the different buildings, and multiple booths were set up across the courtyard to sell them. Bennett and I arrived at the party, which was being held in the central courtyard in front of the castle, and the townspeople were already dancing and singing in celebration.

The castle was a piece of artwork as it stood tall above the rest of the kingdom. It was traditionally made out of cobblestone, and roses ran up the walls to give it a pop of color. It was a little smaller than the one in Veladis, but it looked much more welcoming. Something deep in my body urged me towards it, just dying to see the inside.

“This week is the Lantern Festival, I suppose,” Bennett said with a chuckle.

“What's funny about it?” I looked at him, getting caught in the beauty of the upward turn of his lip and the small dimple that appeared.

“Nothing really, aside from the fact that there’s literally a new festival to celebrate something every single week.” He smiled big, taking in the celebration before him, beaming with pride as he saw his people thriving and happy.

“A new festival every week?” I asked, astonished.

“You would think they would run out of festival themes, but they don’t. We even had an entire week dedicated to blueberries once. I had no idea blueberries could be cooked into so many things, and after that week I never wanted to eat another one again.” He laughed fondly at the memory. “We actually got lucky being here today, as the Lantern Festival is one of the most iconic annual festivals celebrated here in Vesper.”

Children chased each other down the streets, and a few parents scolded them for letting their lanterns go before the appropriate time. I soaked in the site of Vesper, the warmth that radiated from everyone and the familiarity of being here. The sun had finally set, and the stars shone upon the city, creating an iridescent glow that practically radiated magic. I was absolutely enthralled with Vesper, and the realization that I had to leave in a couple hours pained me. There was so much I wanted to experience here, so much I needed to learn and see.

In a way I felt robbed. I loved Veladis, of course, and Amica and Miles were everything to me, but to think that I could have grown up here, in a place that felt so much like a home to me. . .it made my heart strain at the thought of leaving it.


“Huh?” I turned back to face Bennett, who had his hand reaching towards me.

“Dance with me?”

“What?” Since when had Bennett ever been the dancing type?

“Will you dance with me?” he asked again, his hand begging me to take it.

I looked over at the Vespens, all line dancing to an upbeat song played by the fiddle. Everyone looked like they knew the steps to the dance, and as the song began to pick up, more and more people joined in.

I shook my head. “I don’t know the dance.”

“You’ll pick it up easily,” he said with confidence.

I looked back over at the dancing crowd that seemed to grow with each note. Jumps and turns came from every direction, but everyone synced together perfectly.

“I don't know, Bennett, I think I’ll probably just watch from the sidelines.”

He leaned down to whisper in my ear, “It will be more practice, like our little knife throwing game. You will have to focus on me, trust that I’ll be able to help you predict the next move. That is. . .unless you’re too scared.”

I hate you for that.

He smirked, knowing he won, and held out his hand for me once again. This time I took it as he pulled me onto the imaginary dance floor at the speed of shadows.

The two of us were thrown into the mix of bodies, and I tried my best to focus on Bennett as the commotion of the celebration consumed me. I looked to the people beside me and tried to copy their moves, but ended up bumping into someone.

“Sorry,” I muttered, but the dancer just laughed, unbothered, continuing on in the routine.

“You’re not focusing on me,” Bennett chided.

I rolled my eyes and began to attempt the Eadem Anima connection we tried in the training room, my eyes falling deep into the navy sea of Bennett’s as I pulled on that tie between us.

Something clicked within me, and I could feel his presence leading me in every step of the music. I laughed as I started to subconsciously know all of the moves to the dance. It must have been because of some sort of connection, as there was no way I would’ve been able to keep up with everyone otherwise. However, I was too happy to think of anything else except for this moment. I twirled around and ducked under bridges made of arms. We switched partners again and again and again and I attempted flips I never even knew I was capable of. I was tossed in the air, caught, and spun in circles while my smile grew through the entire song. The dancing filled me with energy, and I was running on a high I’d never experienced before. I was having fun being carefree. I danced with the people around me, keeping my connection open to Bennett so he could help me predict the next moves. I laughed with strangers whom I felt more myself around than people who had watched me grow up in Veladis.

The rhythm if the music changed and as I looked up, the sky was filled with floating lanterns. My eyes widened at the beauty of it and the magical energy that radiated from it. Vespens all around me lets out cheers of joy as more and more lanterns filled the sky, challenging the stars with their warm glow. A Vespen tugged my arm, and I was pulled back into dancing again. My cheeks began to hurt from how hard I was smiling.
