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I was startled awake by the sound of relentless pounding on my door. I looked out my window at the setting sun and groaned, pressing my pillow over my ears.

I changed my mind. I wanted to sleep, not guard hunt.

“Go away, Amica! I don’t want to guard hunt tonight!” I yelled through my pillow, hoping my words could be heard through the door and weren’t muffled.

My bedroom door opened, and I began to protest until I heard, “Guard hunting? And you didn’t think to invite me?”

I threw my pillow across the room with deadly accuracy towards Miles’ face. He was dressed in his training uniform, with a sword strapped to his back and a knife to his hip. He looked like he had just finished practicing for his future duties as Captain of the Royal Guard, sweat still glistening on his brow. His blond hair was disheveled, with certain strands falling in front of his baby blue eyes. He was fairly tall, though not as tall as his father and brother, with broad shoulders and muscles that filled every inch of his body. He was absolutely handsome, and many times I had to deal with ladies practically throwing themselves on him at court events.

What I loved most about Miles was his character. He was extremely loyal and the best person to go to for advice. Although it may not seem like a quality a guard would have, Miles was also sensitive. I always admired that about him. How he could allow himself to feel and interpret his emotions, to be vulnerable. I wanted that.

“Oh, you’re gonna pay for that,” he said, grabbing the pillow I just threw at him.

I shrieked as I started to run from my bed. “Help!” I screamed dramatically, trying to breathe through the laughter.

Miles was on me in seconds, granting me no mercy with the pillow.

“Okay, okay! I yield!” I said, laughing until my stomach hurt.

“Victory is sweet,” he said with a big grin. “Now hurry up and get ready. I’m starving.”

Miles slipped out of my bedroom and waited outside as I changed into something acceptable enough for Amica’s standards, which happened to be a simple baby blue gown that flowed around my legs and hung off my shoulders.

I opened the door, receiving a laugh as Miles took in the sight of the dress, knowing I never really cared to wear them. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his arm as the two of us walked to the ballroom, where dinner was always held every night for those who lived at the castle.

As we entered the ballroom, the smell of fresh baked bread and roasted chicken filled my senses, and my stomach growled in response. The ballroom was the largest room in the castle with its grand ceiling and dazzling chandeliers. Windows gracing the sides of the walls stretched floor to ceiling, allowing views of the city to be seen from anywhere in the room. The room was scattered with tables, lit candles and a selection of beverages atop them. One thing I loved about Veladis was that everyone got to participate in dinner. Once the cooks and servants finished their duties, they would join the tables and eat as well. Although, I couldn’t say the same for our neighboring kingdom, Vicinus. Being a servant or guard of Veladis was an honor, and many of the townspeople would love to fill in if there were ever openings. However, positions as servants, guards, and the like were typically inherited. Some families had been in service for numerous generations.

The dais in the far back center of the ballroom held four thrones meant for the king, queen, and their two sons. However, they remained empty tonight, like usual, and were only really filled by Pater or Miles on special occasions or for court business.

Miles and I found Amica at our usual table, one by a window with a view of the ocean, placed on the right side of the dais. When the food arrived, I practically shoved it down my throat. Buttered rolls, roasted chicken, corn on the cob, and vanilla bean pudding filled my plate and were gone within minutes.

“Where’s your brother?” Amica asked.

Miles gave her a suspicious look. “How did you know about that? We haven’t told anyone that he’s here.”

Amica gave him her signature all-knowing smirk. “I have my ways.”

“Of course you do.” He took a bite out of his third roll. “Honestly, I don’t know where he is.”

Miles shrugged and didn’t seem to really care for the topic of conversation. As if those eight years without his brother felt merely like days.

I chimed in with, “How was the family reunion?”

“Awful,” he said blandly.

He grabbed for another roll, slathering even more butter on this time. Miles could eat a feast for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and simply just have it turned to muscle. He could eat whatever he wanted, and I envied him for it.

I gave him an annoyed look. “Could you maybe elaborate on that?”

He sighed. “He’s exactly the same, if not worse. He practically disregarded my existence when he went to speak to our father, and when I tried to talk with him, he was short and frustrated for no reason. On top of that, we were supposed to announce his arrival tonight, but he said he was ‘too tired from his trip and needs the week off.’ A whole week off? He should be preparing to be the future ruler of this kingdom, but he’s sitting on his ass doing only the stars know what.” Miles’ cheeks warmed and he continued eating his food, stabbing with his fork more aggressively.

Miles never got heated, he had always been the mediator of our friend group and the reliable one. To see him get this frustrated with the arrival of his brother squashed any hope I had of rekindling my childhood relationship with Bennett. My stomach dropped just thinking about seeing him again.

As we finished up dinner and the servants started to clear the tables, Amica declared, “Well, now that dinner is over, I think it’s time for some. . .” She gave me a sinister smirk. “Guard hunting!”

Miles rolled his eyes and laughed at the silly game we played.
