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Over the next few days the castle was in an endless stream of commotion as servants and court members alike prepared for the annual masquerade. The kingdom was as lively as ever, with booths selling masques of all shapes and sizes dotted along every street corner. The theme of this year’s ball was Animal Fanastíc, so most of the masques had some kind of fur, feathers or scales to represent an animal. Although not everyone in Veladis attended the ball in the castle, everyone still celebrated the masquerade. There were always numerous parties all throughout the kingdom for Veladins to enjoy.

All of my healing lessons were canceled due to preparations for the ball, and I stayed busy helping the servants set up decorations. I hadn’t really talked with Bennett since our meeting with Pater, but every time we passed each other in the halls, our glances lingered just long enough to be meaningful.

The masquerade had always been my favorite day of the year, even before the Winter Solstice and my birthday. There was something so magical and fantasizing about it that even as I sat here at my vanity finishing up my makeup, I couldn’t stop a smile from being permanently pressed onto my face.

“You look very pretty,” said a young voice from behind me. I looked up into the mirror to find Stella standing behind me.


She ran around my chair and tumbled into my lap, giving me a big hug.

“I’ve missed you,” I said.

“I’ve missed you, too.” Her voice was muffled in my hair.

“Don’t mess up her hair. I’ve put too much work into it to have it be anything less than perfection.” Ancilla pulled her daughter off me and continued to pull curled strands into an exquisite, half up half down look. Most of my hair was pulled up and away from my face, with curls cascading down my back. A few strands elegantly fell across my cheeks, framing my face.

“Well, that about does it,” Ancilla said, looking proud at her craftsmanship. “What do you think?”

I looked in my mirror to take in my appearance and I admired the girl looking back at me. She looked strong and confident, her eyes bold and her features sharp. She looked beautiful.

It felt good to feel good.

“Thank you.” I stood from the vanity and gave her a tight squeeze of appreciation. “I don’t know what kind of witchcraft you pulled off to make this happen, but I promise I’ll keep your secret.”

She chuckled. “Honey, it’s easy to work my magic on a girl who’s already enchanting.”

I blushed at the sweet compliment.

I turned to Stella, bending down to match her height. “What are you going as for the masquerade?”

She gave me a mischievous smile. “It’s a secret. You will just have to come and find me at the party to find out.”

“How am I supposed to know which one you are?” I chuckled.

“You’re the most clever person I know, I believe in you.” She quickly gave me a hug and whispered, “I can’t wait for you to see it, I know you’re gonna love it.”

I tucked a loose curl behind her ear. “I’m sure I will.”

Ancilla attempted to usher Stella out of the bedroom while saying, “All right Stella, it’s time for us to leave so we can go and get ready ourselves.”

I gave Ancilla my most genuine smile, my cheeks practically aching from the strain of the muscles in my face. “Thank you again for making me feel like true royalty. I can’t wait to see you later tonight.”

“You already are royal, sweet Rhia.”

Stella joined her mom and the two of them walked out of my room, already deeply enthralled in an exciting conversation about the ball.

I sat down at my vanity for all of two seconds before a pounding sounded at my door, and Amica and Mendex barged into the room.

I gasped as I took in the sight of them. They stood holding hands, and power practically radiated from the couple.

“Rhia, you can lift your jaw off the floor now,” Amica giggled.

Amica was dressed as a lion and her voluminous curls were her mane. She wore a golden ball gown with a sweetheart neckline. The gown had little lion-shaped heads and swirling symbols stitched into the fabric, and it truly looked like a work of art. A boa made of fur-like material was draped around her shoulders, matching the same material covering her masque. Two little furry lion ears were clipped to her hair, and her masque covered half her face but brought out the golden hues in her eyes. She looked like the queen of the damn jungle, and I was ready to be of service.

I brought my eyes to Mendex who was portraying a fox. He wore a suit with an orange tie that matched the masque on his face. The mask had short-haired orange fur and came out away from the face to look like the pointed nose of a fox. The orange was a sharp contrast against his white hair, and it was alluring to the eyes.
