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It was funny how I could put this masque on at a masquerade and feel most like myself.

My hands wrapped around the back of Bennett’s neck, my fingers curling into his hair. His hands gripped my waist, pulling me so close I could feel his breath.

Bennett bent down slightly and whispered roughly in my ear, “If you keep looking at me like that, I won’t be able to control myself.”

I could blame it on the alcohol, but there was no reason to. I wanted this. I wanted him.

My voice softer than a whisper, I said, “Then don’t.”

I felt Bennett’s chest falter on a breath, and then his lips were crashing against mine in an all-consuming way that made my limbs weak and my mind dizzy. We were the only ones in the room, and each kiss only made me want more and more. My fingers curled in his hair, tugging slightly at the need for him, each strand a soft caress in my hand.

At some point, he ripped the pins out of my hair, letting it fall around my shoulders. With one hand he found my lower back, pulling me further into him, and with his other he cradled the back of my head, gripping my hair and softly titling my head back. With my neck exposed, he kissed along my jaw and down my neck. I closed my eyes as the sensation made my insides squirm and melt at each brush of his lips.

His hand cupped my face, bringing my eyes to lock with his. “You’re astonishing.” He kissed me. “A masterpiece.” He kissed me. “My favorite work of art to admire.”

I’d never felt more beautiful.

His eyes drank in the sight of me, and he let out a pleased laugh. “I have to say, black looks pretty damn good on you.”

My gold lipstick shimmered against his lips. I reached up and brushed my thumb against them. “As does gold on you.”

Eyes watched us from every corner of the room. We were the black and white swan, yin and yang, light and dark. He completed the other half of my soul; he had found the part of me that had always been missing.

Bennett watched me as I noticed the stares from the guests around us. I honestly couldn’t even blame them. We really hadn’t thought about who was around us, and honestly, I didn’t quite care.Nobody knew who we were anyway.

He held out his hand for me. “Would you like to take a break for a bit? Grab a drink?”

I smiled softly. “That sounds perfect.”

He escorted me out of the crowd. The people didn’t even know I walked beside the prince, and yet they still parted for us like royalty.

We spotted a little girl dressed in a rabbit masque and costume running towards us. I immediately knew who she was.

“Anything in particular you would like to drink?” Bennett leaned in to say in my ear over the loud music.

“I trust your judgment.”

“Be back soon, tell Stella I said hello.” He kissed me quickly on the cheek and disappeared back into the mass of bodies.

The little rabbit practically knocked me over with the force of her hug.

“Stella! I love your costume!” I said, truly meaning it.

Her rabbit-eared masque didn’t cover her blushing cheeks. “Thank you, Rhia! I love yours more. You look like the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

My heart swelled and my cheeks hurt from smiling. “Funny, I was just thinking the same about you. Are you having fun?”

“Oh, yes I am!” she said excitedly, bouncing back and forth on her toes. “My brother and I have been out on the dance floor already. He’s dressed as a cow if you spot him.”

“Good to know. I’ll make sure to say hi when I see him. Where is your mom?”

Stella pointed to a woman on the dance floor dressed as a peacock. “She’s right there!” Ancilla danced with a man in a tiger mask who I could only assume was her loving husband. She looked graceful and elegant in her costume, and I truly hoped she was having a great night. She deserved it.

I bent down to match Stella’s height. “You are very lucky to have a mom like yours. I know she would do absolutely anything for you. Never forget that, okay?”

I tried not to feel jealous of Stella, especially since she was just a kid and I had no control over that aspect of my life. It still hurt though, to see her loved and cared for by a mother who simply adored her. I would kill for that, to have someone to call Mom. Someone to guide me in life and be a permanent friend. I had it for a little while with the queen, but she was stolen from us before I could get comfortable having her by my side.

“Oh, I won’t! I thank the stars for her every day! Just like I thank them for you.” She gave me one last quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before she ran to join her parents.
