Page 105 of Secret Service

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“Over the past decade, Russia has inflicted incalculable anguish and misery on Ukraine. Individual freedoms have been replaced by authoritarianism. Civilians have been subjected to terror and oppression. Millions live in starvation and despair as Russia blocks humanitarian aid. And now, we have eyewitness testimony of ethnic cleansing taking evil root.

“President Kirilov has made clear his intentions: left unopposed, he will continue to disregard the fundamental tenets of international law, and he will continue with his campaign of violence, oppression, horror, and murder. If Russia, and President Kirilov, are not stopped, untold thousands will die, and millions more will suffer. Humanity has a crystal-clear example of what happens when dangerous men intent on evil are not confronted. In the 1930s, hesitancy to intervene led to the worst atrocities of our modern history.

“Alliances have formed in the past to protect vulnerable peoples struggling under the yoke of oppression and terror. The United Nations acted to safeguard Libyans from planned slaughter, and in the Balkans, the United Nations and NATO-allied forces worked together to protect civilians from the worst inhumanities that war can unleash.

“Today, we must stand together again. This international community must unite against Russia’s wanton disregard for human rights and human life, and we must do everything in our power to put an end to this conflict and to safeguard the people of Ukraine. We, as individual States, and collectively, as an international body, have a responsibility to protect populations from war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and crimes against humanity. It is clear now that we must take action.

“Effective immediately, the United States and our allies will begin patrolling ‘we-fly’ humanitarian corridors over Ukraine. These corridors will ensure the delivery of food, fuel, and medical supplies, and will act as guarantees against any further acts of ethnic cleansing. We will not stand by while these atrocities occur.

“I am also announcing a new round of sanctions, agreed to with one voice by the US and our allies. As of today, all—all—officers in Russia’s military will be cut off from international banking and the global financial system. Your choice to perpetuate this war and to remain on the battlefield has left each and every one of you as isolated as your political leaders.

“We must commit, in full, to the promise of ‘Never again.’ If Russia continues to flout international law, and persists in committing these heinous crimes, then we must send a untied and decisive message: your actions will not be tolerated. The world will stop you. There is no negotiation when it comes to human rights.”

Applause rises. In such a staid body, that’s unusual. The solemnity of the chamber is almost sacrosanct.

Brennan is still speaking, but I can’t fucking be here for one more second. I can’t listen to this applause.

I tear out of the council chambers and into the back hallway. My vision is blurring. My heart is racing. I can’t breathe, I can’t fucking breathe—

“Reese!” Henry follows me, bellowing over the crowd. “The fuck is wrong with you? What the—”

“I can’t be here.”

“What the fuck do you mean?”

“I can’t be here, Henry. I can’t be around him. I can’t.” My hands grip the back of my head. Merde, mon Dieu, fuck, fuck—

Henry stares me down like he’s never seen me before.

“I’ve done something terrible,” I choke out. “I’ve fucked up. I’ve fucked up so bad.”

He stills, and I see the realization sink into him.

He’s seen everything I tried to bury, picked apart my bullshit and called me on it. Do you trust yourself? No, Henry, I don’t. I can’t. He watched me fall, but even he thought I was smart enough to stop myself. I’m not, I’m fucking not. Every chance I had, I blew.

I am bad for Brennan Walker. No, I am terrible for him.

I am threatening every good thing he’s doing. Every dream he’s ever had, every promise he’s ever made. Every life he’s trying to save right now, today.

If I tear him down—

Agony rips through me. I bend, brace my hands on my knees, try to drag in oxygen that I can’t find. It’s like I’ve been hurled into space, like my lungs have collapsed, like I’m dying, right here, right now.

“Jesus Christ,” Henry mutters. “Jesus fucking Christ, Reese.”

They’re still applauding in the council chambers. Brennan’s speech will be replayed, today, tomorrow, fifty years from now.

How selfish am I? I knew I had to stop. I knew it, but I ignored it. And now—

I smell him again, like he’s behind me. Like he’s about to wrap his arms around my waist and whisper my name. Kiss the skin behind my ear and nuzzle the back of my neck.

“Okay, this is what we’ll do.” Henry drags me down the hall, away from the double doors that are going to open any second, disgorging the world’s media. We’re moving fast, almost jogging. “I’ll take over the detail. You’re sick. Food poisoning.”

We get to the stairs, and he shoves me through the door, then follows me inside. We stumble down, our heavy footfalls echoing in the concrete stairwell. He yanks me out at the second floor, spins me away from the mezzanine. Pushes me against the wall. Fury fills his gaze. “Reese.”

“I’m sorry,” I breathe. “I’m fucking sorry, Henry. I—”

He sighs, all the air inside him escaping as he leans forward and rests his head against the wall above my shoulder. My thoughts are spinning, as is the world, both hurtling so fast I’m about to fall. I grasp Henry’s jacket, sink my own forehead to his shoulder.
