Page 9 of A Glimpse of Music

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“Forever is a very long time.”

They gazed back at each other as if the weight of what they decided finally sank onto their shoulders. Marriage. The word was so permanent. But…she’d almost married a man she loved. Then she married into wealth and power against her will. And now, she would be married to her friend. Sweet, gentle, kind Joel. And this time, it would be her choice.

“When?” she breathed.

She followed his gaze out the window to where the snow began to fall in earnest, large and thick flakes twirling across the sky.

He answered, “How extravagant of a wedding do you want?”

“Simple. Please.”

“There likely won’t be enough time for my family to travel to Heulwen for the wedding. I would like it to happen before the snow gets any thicker. Next week, perhaps?”

So soon?

She found it difficult to draw breath. Yet, her heart pattered with both excitement and nervousness. Warmth filled her soul. A serene calm fell upon her shoulders. Calm and relief and safety.

Words faltered on her tongue. What could she possibly say or do to thank him for giving up his future for her? No one had ever done something so selfless for her.

“Are you sure?” she finally croaked.


Before she managed a reply, her girls burst inside laughing. Eva climbed onto a chair at the table while Maisy pushed another chair toward the cupboards, stood on top, and counted out four plates. She nearly dropped them on her way down.

After setting out the plates, Maisy gasped, her eyes wide. “Is that the pie?”

Joel grimaced. “I know. I know. It looks—”

“So yummy!”

Across the kitchen, Nyana and Joel shared an amused look. Her heart caught in surprise at the seemingly small but significant act. They would be sharing amused looks for the rest of their lives. What would that be like?

After each plate held a slice of pie and the girls dug in, Nyana wrung her hands together beneath the table. Only a week remained until the wedding. She needed to know if her daughters truly supported this decision.

“Maisy, Eva,” she started. When each glanced up, she continued, “What do you think about me marrying Joel? He would be your new father.”

Maisy’s fork clattered to her plate as her mouth covered in gooey cinnamon dropped open. And then her chin trembled, her face crumpling. A sob escaped her, followed by another. She slipped off her chair and climbed onto Joel’s lap, wrapping her arms around his neck before her sobs began in earnest.

Her words were barely discernible between her sobs. “My last papa was so mean. But you are so nice! I’m happy.”

Nyana’s own face crumpled with emotion. Sorrow. Gratitude. Relief. She covered her face with her hands, digging her palms into her eyes in an attempt not to cry. Her daughters had suffered so much. And to see how much they loved Joel…

It broke her heart and warmed it at the same time.

She peeked at her sobbing daughter, tears trailing down her face like a gushing waterfall while Eva snuggled against Joel. His eyes shimmered as if holding back his own tears as he hugged them close and stared at the ceiling.

He met her eye across the table, and she mouthed, Thank you. He truly had no idea what he was doing for them. None at all.

He simply answered with a smile. When emotion pricked her eyes once again, she forced her attention to her untouched plate and took a small bite of the gooey, cinnamon apple disaster of a pie.

It was delicious.

Chapter 3

“I’ll handle everything.”

Joel regretted saying those words to Nyana two days ago as he stepped out of the Heulwen cathedral after securing a date with the priest for the wedding. Tall gold and white spires cast a shadow over the fallen red leaves of late autumn. Gold, silver, and bronze stained-glass windows decorated each side of the magnificent structure. Nyana had always said she’d wanted to get married here. She never got the chance when Liam forced her into a hasty marriage at the palace, but this time he hoped to fulfill at least one of her dreams.
