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Chapter 10


With mine and Selah’s relationship back on solid ground, it was all I could do to keep my secret from her. But I was determined.

At dinner, the week before the restaurant was ready to open for business, I mentioned it to her. “So, what would you think about opening your own restaurant down here? I know that was your plan when you came back and that it fell through. But what if there was another way?”

Her smile fell and she laid her fork on her plate. “I don’t want your money, Dawson. That’s not why I’m with you. And something that big would just be too expensive. A loan, however, that I could repay over time, would be something I’d consider.” She grinned and I wanted to take her in my arms, rip off her clothes and bed her again. Too bad we were in public or I might have done that very thing.

I nodded instead. “I’ll keep that in mind, then. I don’t want to bog down our evening talking about it, though. It was just a question. I just wanted to know if you were still interested in realizing your dreams.”

“How long are you staying in Corpus Christi, anyway?” She kept her eyes averted.

“As long as it takes.” I smiled at her, inwardly delighted that she was showing her true feelings more.

“As long as what takes?” She chuckled as she put her glass to those luscious lips.

“For you to agree to stay with me.” The restaurant wasn’t the only surprise I had for her, but I knew from experience that she would have to decide on her own and it would have to be discussed beforehand. At least a little.

After a moment’s pause, she said, “Well, I have no intentions of running away again, if that’s what you mean. But, if agreeing to stay with you means that you’ll go back to Chicago and leave me here alone, I might never agree.” She was smiling.

“If I told you I would stay here if you married me, what would you do?”

“Dawson Bright! Did you just propose to me? Did you really just try to fly that under the radar?” Her cheeks blushed rose.

“And if I said I planned to propose sometime in the very near future?” My stomach was in knots.

“I’d have to say that I reserve the right to answer at that time.” There was only a soft glowing love in her eyes.

“Then, we’ll discuss it again at a later date. Agreed?” My lungs felt tight.

She nodded and fought back the tears that welled in her eyes.



Exactly a week after the speech about him staying and a proposal, Dawson collected me from my apartment and drove us toward the shore. I hadn’t had the heart to go anywhere near it since my property had been lost, and I wasn’t sure why he was going in that direction, but I had butterflies in my stomach.

We passed my old property and my heart sank. Someone had built a grand structure on it. I struggled to dismiss it and concentrate on my future with Dawson. Dreams change. Plans change. Everything works out in the end. Right?

“You okay?” Dawson took a left turn, putting us back on a road that would lead past that gorgeous, shiny, new structure where my restaurant should have been.

I nodded, smiling through the tears. “Yes, I’m fine. It’s just that someone else has built on the property I used to own. It’s just hard to let it go, you know.” I looked out my window and tried to get my emotions under control.

“Hmm. That’s awful. I’m sorry it made you sad, my love.”

He didn’t look sorry. For a few minutes, I actually believed he was gloating with that tiny smile playing at his perfect lips. But I was being silly and forced myself to stop. Then, he took another turn and we were driving straight toward that new building. Something looked familiar about it, but I couldn’t put my finger on what.

“Why are we going here, Dawson? I really want to go somewhere else. I don’t want to see what someone else’s dream looks like!” I was getting angry. I turned away and crossed my arms over my chest.

“Then don’t see someone else’s dream.” He put the car in park. “See your dream, Selah.” He held up a diamond ring, attached was a keyring with seven silver, new, shiny keys dangling from it.

“What are you talking about?” I looked at the diamond ring and then the building and then him. His smile was the look of a self-satisfied cat after a good meal. He jingled the keys, took my left hand and slid the ring, keys and all, onto my ring finger.

“Selah Jones, will you marry me in your new restaurant?” His smile broke into a full grin.

My heart stopped. “My restaurant? Marry you?” The air was difficult to pull into my lungs. I wanted to laugh, cry, run, dance.
