Page 2 of El Segador

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Holly glanced at me, obviously expecting an assist. The kid was good.

“I’m Swan,” I said.

When I said nothing else, he raised an eyebrow. “Last name?”

I winced, dreading what was about to come next. “Lake.”

“Swan Lake,” he said. He sounded like he either didn’t believe me or was struggling not to laugh. Which got my back up.

“It’s not my fault, you know. I didn’t pick my name.”

“Nothin’ wrong with your name.”

“Swan was just about to come back home with me for breakfast,” Holly said. “She likes pancakes with lots of syrup.”

“I see,” the guy said. “Well. I guess I better put in an order with Archangel. He’s cookin’ breakfast for you and Bella.”

“Oh, boy! He makes the best pancakes!” She handed the leash to the man and tugged my hand, trying to get me up. “Come on! You don’t want to miss out!”

“Yeah, but I think I’m gonna have to pass. I appreciate the offer, Holly.”

“You’re not comin’?” Now Holly looked like she was on the verge of tears. I glanced at the man, and he gave me a hard look. Yeah. Not accepting her invitation was not an option.

“Well, maybe for just a little while, then.” I smiled, trying to take the sting out of my earlier blunder. It must have worked because Holly jumped up and down.

“Yea!” She took my hand as I carefully got to my feet, lifting my backpack over my shoulder. Holly then tugged me along with her. I didn’t know the guy’s name, but I had the feeling I didn’t want to know. I was pretty sure what I needed was to run. Fast. Except I wasn’t sure I could run. My thigh, while not hurting a horrible amount, made the night on the ground known with every step. I was sure I limped at least a little.

Holly chatted all the way to our destination. Which I thought was a hotel instead of a “home” or a “clubhouse.”

“Holy shit!” I gasped. “I thought you said this was a clubhouse.”

The guy shrugged. “It is.”

“Come on,” Holly said, tugging me harder. “We’re gonna be late for breakfast!” She frowned. “If that asshole, Jax, gets there before we do, he’ll eat everything.”

“Language, Holly. You know your mother doesn’t like it when you call Jax an asshole.”

“Well, he is,” she groused prettily. The guy chuckled and winked at the child.

Holly led me through one building across an open area in the center of the place to another building. There seemed to be a whole herd of Saint Bernard puppies, and they’d missed their buddy. Before I could get inside, I was surrounded by at least five of the beasts. They didn’t jump or knock me down, but they were in the way, not allowing me inside without pushing my way through them.

“Off with all’a’ya,” the man said, waving his hands and shooing them all away. Surprisingly, all but Bruno obeyed him, bounding off to get into their own mischief. Bruno leaned against me, looking up as if to say, “Please pet me, Mommy.” I did.

“You too, Bruno.” The dog whined and hung his head, but he slinked off, tail between his legs like he’d been kicked, to lie down beside the door. “Come on,” the guy said, grabbing my arm, and guiding me inside.

“Wait!” Before he could push me any farther into the interior, I had to know his freaking name.

“You never told me your name.”

“Holly didn’t tell you?” He looked amused. “I mean, since you’re friends and all.”

“Hey, she said that. Not me. Cute kid, though. Nice dog.”

He chuckled. “Likely, she thought your presence would keep her out of the trouble she’s in with her mother and father.” He stuck out his hand. “I’m El Segador. Most everyone calls me Reaper.”

Oh. Fuck. I was in so much trouble…

“Well, that’s not intimidating or anything.” The statement slipped out before I could stop myself.
