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What she’d done—what she’d said—


“Ms.—Lola, that was an incredible thing for you to do. I really don’t think I’m worth you losing your job over, though. Please, let me talk to the show and see if I can get your job back.”

Her lips pursed together in a flat line. “Nope, no way. And every media outlet who wants to know why I got canned will get a first hand account.”

I opened my mouth and as carefully as I could, made one request. “I—Trey—” I shut my eyes, and calmed myself. “If you could leave out certain,” I bit my bottom lip as I searched for the right word, “issues? I’d really appreciate it.”

Her eyebrows shot up on her shocked face. “Really?” She looked genuinely stunned. “After everything that’s happened? The way they made you look?”

She closed her eyes and shook her head. When she opened them back up again, she said, “The way Trey isn’t exactly rushing to your side and telling everyone this is all because of him and what he’s doing?”

I gazed down at the floor of the limo, then back up to her. “He’s my husband, Lola. No matter what kind of rushed decision I made—we made—we are still married. He’s made certain—umm, choices.” I looked out the window and watched the palm trees pass by.

Yeah, I sure wasn’t in Alberta anymore.

No, I was a world away.

A nagging, unwell feeling inside of me doubled. I’d been shoving it down as best I could, not really understanding what it was.

Until now.


Gosh, I hadn’t felt it this bad in—forever.

Any time I was away from home, I’d experience it. But in a much smaller way.

Now, I realized the smaller waves I’d been feeling had formed a giant tidal wave—and overtaken me completely, threatening to wash me away with it forever.


Now that we were in the playoffs, there wouldn’t be more than a day or two to rush home and back again.

“Yeah, he’s made all the wrong choices. Why not out him to the world?”

I peered back at Lola and answered, “I love him. He’s made choices that I might not—agree with. But his choice to marry me?” My eyes welled up with unshed tears.

“And my choice to marry him? I don’t regret it. No matter what’s happened—after. I’ll treasure that time with him, Lola. When I think of him—”

My voice hitched, and my throat went dry. I blinked furiously and swallowed.

“When I think of Trey Turner, I’ll remember that night. And I’ll remember the many, wonderful ones after. Just because it didn’t work out—” I took a deep breath, “doesn’t mean I’m sorry it happened. Because I’m not. I’m happy it happened.”

She let her head fall to her chest.

Neither of us spoke for a few minutes.

When she finally looked up at me, she wiped her eyes. “Here I thought you’d jump at the chance to bury that guy.”

“I love him, Lola. No matter what—I always will.”

She stared at me with an equal mix of pity and sadness.

“Okay, girl. I get you. You’re not ready to bury him, yet. But trust me, one day you will be. And then you give me a call.”

She seemed more than sure about herself.

The thing was—so was I.

I knew there’d forever be a part of me that loved Trey Turner.

And to me—that was kind of beautiful.
