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There was silence between us, but not for long.

Then—we both started laughing.

“I put an ice pack on the back of my neck—and maybe a few other places.”

I still laughed at that—but only for her sake. Stuart was in town staying at her place and had been for the last week.

If Lexi had been here when I’d finished reading, we would have done what we always did after reading the sexy parts together.

We’d act them out in our own special way.

Or, we’d attack each other blindly and take out our frustrations.

Either way, we both won.

So, if Jillian had finished her book and chosen ice packs instead of her fiancé—that was whacked up and just plain wrong.

“Stuart isn’t into romance novels?” I asked, only hinting that I knew something was up.

And it sure wasn’t Stuart.

She shrugged and passed it off like nothing. “Guess not.” Then, she quickly changed the subject. “Anyway,” she stood up and picked up one of the stray water bottles from the floor and tossed it at me, “time to clean up this place. Get off your ass, Turner.”

She strode toward me and yanked the blankets off my couch. “I’ll throw these in first. They smell like death.”

I let out a loud protesting howl, “I don’t need to clean, it’s fine how it is!”

She gave me a look. Like I was crazy. “Get up, and help. Then, I’ll make you supper before we go to our book club meeting.”

She turned, dragging part of the blankets behind her.

“Book club? I didn’t know you had a book club?” I said quizzically, trying to remember if she’d ever mentioned it before.

“You’ll love it. Trust me,” she hollered from down the hall. “Get up, and start cleaning. I’m not doing this all by myself.”

Jillian was not the kind of chick who gave up. I could continue to fight her on this—but, we both knew who’d end up winning out.

So, I got my sorry ass up.

And cleaned up.
